JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The month-long internship of four students of the Australian Consortium for \'In-Country\' Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) Study Indonesia at the Constitutional Court (MK) ended on Thursday (13/2/2020). The program was closed by presentations on the constitution and its enforcement by the four interns.
"This has been a very beneficial program for cooperation between the two countries, not just as internship, but also to expand knowledge and experiences. This program is not only beneficial for Australian students studying the Indonesian legal system, but also for us to study the Australian legal system," said the Head of the Human Resources and Organization (SDMO) Teguh Wahyudi in the closing ceremony of the ACICIS Study Indonesia internship.
Teguh hoped that the program be a place for students who wanted to study the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI). "On the other hand, we can learn from the experience in legal development of the interns," Teguh said in the event, which was also attended by the Head of the HR Development Subdivision Andi Hakim and senior researchers.
The four interns presented on a variety of topics. Sermin Sayan from Western Sydney University presented "The Rule of Law, Particularly the Principle of Access to Justice." Sermin discussed Australia\'s experience in developing access to justice, including legal aid, access to justice for people with disabilities including the role of government. In addition, there are institutions that translate legal information for a variety of cultures in Australia.
Luca Sdraulig from the Australian National University presented "Comparative Approach to Constitutional Interpretation between Australia and Indonesia." Luca reviewed the Indonesian and Australian legal systems, which have their own characteristics, and the development of assistance for persons with disabilities who wish to petition a case in court.
Freya Henfrey from the Australian National University presented "The Comparative Impeachment Processes between Indonesia and the US." Leyla Kaya from Macquarie University presented "Marriage and the Landmark Constitutional Case as Compared to Australia."
Presentation by the Constitutional Court
The four interns also explained their internship experiences. They received materials from MKRI on a comparative study with the legal systems in both countries. They received materials on "The Introduction to the Registrar\'s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court" from the HR Department, "Introduction to Business Process Study at the HRO Bureau and Excursion Studies," "Introduction to Business Process Study at Puslitka," "Introduction to Business Process Study at the Legal and Registrar Administration Bureau," "Introduction to Business Process Study at the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau," and "Introduction to Business Process Study at the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center."
During the internship, the four ACICIS Study Indonesia students received guidance from the senior researcher Pan Mohamad Faiz related to research topics that they would discuss. Mohamad Faiz provided a lot of information about the Indonesian legal system as well as the role, functions, and authorities of the MKRI. (Nano Tresna Arfana/NRA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Translation uploaded on 2/17/2020
Friday, February 14, 2020 | 11:29 WIB 234