(Left to right) Head of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center Kurniasih Panti Rahayu, Junior Registrar III Ida Ria Tambunan, Junior Registrar II Triyono Edy Budiarto, and Head of the Legal and Registrar Administration Bureau Wiryanto in the fourth session of work meeting. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.
MALANG, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) organized a Motivational and Workplace Culture Training and Work Meeting and 2019 PHPU Evaluation in Batu, Malang on Friday (6/12/2019). Head of the Legal and Registrar Administration Bureau Wiryanto talked about the issues faced by the task force with regard to case administration, which requires improvement.
He observed that consulting officers had come from other units and lacked competence. Therefore, the petitioners did not receive optimal services. He also observed that when petitioners consulted the officers when filing petitions, the officers in charge did not master the procedural law.
“This impacted the explanation of the flow of the case file registration, which is laid in the regulation book. The regulation is often too complex to remember and understand to convey to the petitioners swiftly,” Wiryanto explained. Therefore, he expected that the work flow be improved in order to facilitate justice seekers.
Support of the Task Force
Junior Registrar II Triyono Edy Budiarto talked about the Constitutional Court Regulations (PMK) and the Regulations of the Chief Constitutional Justice (PKMK) that have been published by the Court for the 2019 PHPU. He also talked about the Regulation of the Secretary General that was issued to support the 2019 PHPU. “These regulations aim to maintain the performance of Court staff in carrying out their duties,” he said before 297 participants of the work meeting.
Edy revealed that several cases had not been decided, so he expected that the 2020 regional election results dispute cases can be resolved with more focus. "So, to improve the work flow, it is necessary to improve the regulation in order to improve professionalism," Edy said before moderator Substitute Registrar Syaiful Anwar.
Notes for Evaluation
Junior Registrar III Ida Ria Tambunan delivered several notes for evaluation, based on her experience with Panel III. She observed that there had not been standard regulations in relation to the petitioners, relevant parties, and witnesses. “Hopefully in the future these regulations will be standardized before the hearing,” she hoped.
Head of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center Kurniasih Panti Rahayu talked about her experience processing data for the 2019 simultaneous elections results dispute resolution. She highlighted the limited human resources in the field of law. In the 2019 PHPU, the data processing team had to learn legal data recapitulation. "We processed data manually, so we were not able to complete the data needed by the Constitutional Court. Hopefully in the future improvements and better learning process will have been made," she said.
The work meeting, which will last for four days since Thursday evening to Sunday (5-8/12/2019), is expected to improve integrity, dedication, and professionalism in the Registrar\'s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court. The main agenda of the work meeting was to discuss the 2020 Work Program and to evaluate the support of the Registrar\'s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court in handling the 2019 legislative and presidential PHPU cases. In the Plenary Session I through IV, each work unit will describe their Work Programs for the Fiscal Year of 2020 and evaluate the support of the task force for handling disputes over the results of the 2019 Elections, including the elaboration of ICT and application for handling judicial review cases and regional head election in 2020. (Sri Pujianti/NRA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Friday, December 06, 2019 | 16:09 WIB 178