Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman with Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra and Andalas University Rector Yuliandri handing over prizes to winners, Wednesday (27/11/2019) at the Convention Hall of Andalas University, Padang.
PADANG, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitution Week XII of 2019 organized by the Constitutional Court (MK) and Center for Constitutional Studies (Pusako) of Law Faculty of Andalas University was closed by Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman with Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra and Andalas University Rector Yuliandri on Wednesday (27/11/2019) at the Convention Hall of Andalas University, Padang.
The event under the theme “Guarding Constitutional Democracy” for the first time invited 52 outstanding senior high schools (SMA/equivalent) all around West Sumatera, Riau, and Jambi. The schools competed in constitutional debate, quiz, English speech, and academic writing competitions.
SMAN 1 West Sumatera came out a victor. SMAN 1 Pekanbaru won the debate competition after beating SMAN 5 Pekanbaru with the motion “The Fifth Amendment to the 1945 Constitution.” SMAN 1 Gunung Talang won the quiz competition after beating SMAN 1 Bukittinggi (2nd place) and SMAN 1 Pasaman (3rd place). Aisyah Lani form SMA Titiantras Jambi won the English speech competition while SMAN 1 West Sumatera won the academic writing competition.
In his closing remarks, Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman expressed his admiration for the participants and enjoyment of the competitions. "Observing the debate participants I enjoyed the entire debates including the argument of students in elaborating the law. I was amazed. They could be constitutional justices," he said.
Anwar hoped that they would use their victory as an incentive to achieve better, and for those who did not win to remain optimistic and continue learning. "Hopefully no one is disappointed. Victory is a matter of time and [please see] this [as] a delayed victory," he said.
On behalf of the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court M. Guntur Hamzah, Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau Heru Setiawan revealed that the Constitution Week Competition XII had run smoothly and successfully. "The competition took place in a competitive, fair, and objective manner. All participants who came from various high schools had given their best performance and the assessment of the jury was objectively critical and fair," he said.
Heru added that the Constitution Week had become popular among students. Participants must prepare themselves to compete and they will gain knowledge and experience.
Andalas University Rector Yuliandri said the Constitution Week XII was a medium for learning and he hoped that the following years it would be organized. "[It] is good for students because students can learn how to express opinions and they will continue to develop all their potential," he concluded. (Bayu/LA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 | 16:39 WIB 215