Constitutional Court Holds Anti-Corruption Workshop

Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman opening an anti-corruption workshop for the Registrar\'s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court, Wednesday (13/11) in the hall of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Gani.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) organized an anti-corruption and anti-gratuity workshop for the Registrar\'s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court on Wednesday (13/11/2019) in the hall of the Constitutional Court.

Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman; Constitutional Justice Wahiduddin Adams; Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Moh. Mahfud MD; Secretary General of the Constitutional Court M. Guntur Hamzah; the Constitutional Court’s ethics council; the National Police\'s illegal levy eradication central taskforce (Saber Pungli) Secretary Widiyanto Poesoko; Saber Pungli taskforce expert Adiwarman; heads of bureaus; heads of centers; Inspector; structural and functional officials; as well as staff members of the Constitutional Court were in attendance.

In his remarks, Chief Justice Anwar Usman emphasized that the culture of anti-corruption and anti-gratuity went well even though the Court had experienced crises in the past. However, the incidents were overcome and the Court finally rose again. He hoped that all employees in the Constitutional Court can be clean, honest, trustworthy, and have integrity in carrying out their duties, and comply with all laws and regulations so that they will not be faced with legal issues, especially not commit criminal acts of corruption.

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah in his report said that in general, efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption in the Constitutional Court were getting better by increasing integrity, an effective anti-corruption system for organizations and employees. According to him, the active role of employees in eradicating corruption is expected focus on preventing corruption by building a culture of anti-corruption. Employees need to be equipped with knowledge about corruption so they understand and apply anti-corruption values in their daily lives. 

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Moh. Mahfud MD emphasized that corruption deviates from proper basic tasks. Arbitrary behavior, arrogant attitude, and entitlement are signs of corruption. According to him, conventional corruption is enriching oneself or others by breaking the law or harming state finances, while non-conventional corruption is corrupt character and behavior.

Widiyanto Poesoko said that the Saber Pungli taskforce was established to improve the effectiveness of illegal levy eradication. The President issued Perpres Number 87 of 2016 dated October 20, 2016 concerning the Saber Pungli Taskforce. According to him, the taskforce was established in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2016 concerning the Saber Pungli Taskforce.

This program was the Constitutional Courts’s Inspectorate’s effort to improve services to the public to carry out internal supervision in order to realize good governance. In the Registrar\'s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court is carried, a Gratuity Control Unit (UPG), the work unit responsible for gratuity control within the Constitutional Court. (Utami)

Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | 14:41 WIB 172