International Short Course in ICCIS 2019 Officially Opened

Chief Registrar Muhidin officially opening the international short course in Nusa Dua, Bali, Wednesday (6/11). Photo by Humas MK/Gani.

BALI, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) held an international short course in Nusa Dua, Bali, Wednesday (6/11/2019). This program was opened by Chief Registrar of the Constitutional Court Muhidin. In his remarks, he said that the program was part of an international symposium organized routinely by the Constitutional Court as a member of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC). Under the theme "The Constitutional Court and the Protection of Human Rights," the program aims to add insight and exchange information about the development of law and constitution, especially the efforts by the Constitutional Court in protecting human rights through its decisions.

Muhidin also stated that the development of human rights protection in the era of democracy and globalization led more countries to strengthen human rights protection for their citizens in their constitutions, including Indonesia in the 1945 Constitution. "Under this condition, the role of the Constitutional Court automatically expanded, that is, not merely as guardian of the constitutional, but also as protector of human rights. That role makes the Constitutional Court the most effective and constitutional place to fight for the protection and enforcement of human rights. [This is especially true] for the Constitutional Court whose decisions are final and binding, as the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

Muhidin said that the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution includes human rights for the entire nation. In addition, the guarantee, protection, and fulfillment of human rights and constitutional rights of citizens are the duty of the state, as contained in Article 28I paragraph (4).

Muhidin mentioned several important decisions passed down by the Constitutional Court in relation to human rights protection, including decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 concerning the civil rights of children born outside marriage and decision No. 102/PUU-VII/2009 concerning the protection of the right to vote, where citizens who are not yet listed on the final voters list (DPT) can vote by showing their ID, passport, or family card (KK).

The international short course is part of "The 3rd Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium (ICCIS 2019)" taking place on Monday-Thursday (5-7/11/2019). Academics and constitutional law practitioners from various countries were in attendance. (Yuniar Widiastuti)

Translated by: Dedy/Yuniar Widiastuti

Wednesday, November 06, 2019 | 13:16 WIB 207