Constitutional Court Finalizes SOP

Head of the Head of Institutional Policy Preparation of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Ngalimun talking about improvement in organizing government administration through refinement and application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Photo by Humas MK/Dedy.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court’s Human Resources and Organization (SDMO) Bureau organized a Technical Assistance Program for Improving SOP in the Registrar\'s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court on Thursday (17/10/2019) at the hall of the Constitutional Court. The program was opened by Registrar Muhidin and attended by a number of Echelon II officials and staff members.

In his address, Muhidin explained that SOPs are indispensable, both in organizing government institutions and in the judiciary. In addition, he added, even in daily life, SOPs are actually needed for training oneself in discipline and orderly life. According to him, SOPs that have been prepared should be implemented consistently by all parties as a reference in work.

Muhidin said this in accordance with SOP implementation as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform No. 35/2012 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures for Government Administration: consistency, commitment, continuous improvement, binding, all elements having important roles, and good documentation. Consistent means SOPs must be implemented consistently from time to time by all employees within the Registrar\'s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court. In addition, he added, SOPs must be implemented with full commitment from all levels of the organization from the lowest level to the highest.

"Continuous improvement means SOPs must be open to improvement along with changes in the organization and policies to obtain efficient and effective procedures. Binding means SOPs are binding for the executor in carrying out their duties in accordance with established procedures. All elements in the Constitutional Court have important roles; all employees involved in the task/activity must refer to SOPs because if there is one who does not implement them, it will disturb the whole process. And finally, SOPs must be well documented, so that it can be used as a reference for work implementation for all employees and officials in the event of a change of employee or official," Muhidin said.

Muhidin also said that this technical assistance program was the initial stage in SOP improvement by using e-SOP. Employees who are representatives of each work unit that has followed the program are expected to be the driving force in making SOPs by using e-SOPs in each work unit.

“I would like to use this opportunity to express appreciation for the Human Resources and Organization Bureau that came with ideas in making electronic Standard Operating Procedures (e-SOPs), which allow work units to make improvements more easily and the improved resulting SOPs can be directly accessed by all employees," he said.

Head of the SDMO Bureau Teguh Wahyudi mentioned that with organizational changes, SOPs need to be improved in accordance with duties and functions. He explained that the improvement of SOPs through the technical assistance program will be done using the e-SOP application that allows the work units to make improvements more easily and the results of the improved SOPs can be directly accessed by all employees. "The SOP Improvement technical assistance program aims to provide knowledge about SOP Improvement guidelines using the e-SOP application for Echelon IV structural officials, functional officers, and executors in all work units within the Registrar\'s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court," he said.

Head of the Head of Institutional Policy Preparation of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Ngalimun said that one of the important aspects to realize an effective, efficient, and accountable bureaucracy in order to improve government management of quality public services is to improve government administration through refinement and application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in Government Administration. (Lulu Anjarsari)

Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti

Thursday, October 17, 2019 | 14:32 WIB 197