M. Guntur Hamzah: Industry 4.0 Changes Conventional Ways to Modern

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah receiving a plaque from Brawijaya University Law Faculty Dean Muchamad Ali Safa\'at in the Constitutional Law Festival 2019, Friday (4/10) at Brawijaya University, Malang. Photo by Humas MK/Agung.

MALANG, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) in collaboration with the Forum for Research and Legal Writing (FKPH) of Brawijaya University Law Faculty organized the Constitutional Law Festival 2019 on "The Constitutional Court in the Development of National Law" on Friday (4/10/2019) at Brawijaya University, Malang. This event was expected to accommodate the aspirations of law students and high school students or equivalents in Indonesia to increase creativity and solidarity in problem solving.

In the opening ceremony, Secretary General of the Constitutional Court M. Guntur Hamzah in his keynote speech explained the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the judiciary in the industry 4.0 (fourth industrial revolution), which includes three things: integrity as human capital to avoid loss of human identity, freedom from corruption and self-benefits, and trustworthiness as the most important element to face the formation and enforcement of law in the era of disruption.

"The industrial revolution 4.0 is an era of disruption, where conventional ways change into modern ones, with a digital approach. So if you oppose technology, [you] will be left behind by the times," he said.

Guntur added that in the development of law in the era of legal disruption in the Constitutional Court, the Court has committed to no court fees, online petition, and easier remote Court hearing, as well as improving the quality of legal products, including in the hearing process and decision making. "The era of disruption creates new ways of thinking so that the legal development that has been left behind is practiced again, including in the Constitutional Court decisions," he said.

Legal products or services in the era of disruption are more easily accessed and selected, such as online petition at the Constitutional Court, question and answer forum via the website, and free access to all documents on the Constitutional Court website. "The era of disruption makes legal practices now smarter, more time-saving, and more accurate. The Court also provides hearing transcripts, live streaming, free downloadable Court decisions," he explained.

Brawijaya University Law Faculty Dean Muchamad Ali Safa\'at said that this activity was also aimed to realize the function of the Constitutional Court in the development of national law. Safa\'at hoped that this activity can be a solution to the problems regarding the actualization of constitutional values in Indonesia politics. 

Ali added that this activity was also expected to develop students\' abilities in reasoning and research on legal writing. "As well as encourage policy makers to make the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the values of the Constitution, which includes all circles for regulating the implementation of a dignified political system of society," he stressed.

The Constitutional Law Festival 2019 includes Academic Article Competition to win Prof. Abdul Mukthie Fadjar Rotational Trophy, Law Drafting Competition to win Prof. Achmad Sodiki Rotational Trophy, Battle of Brains for Brawijaya University Law Faculty Dean Rotational Trophy, and National Law Talk Show that will be held for 3 days from October 4 to 6. (Agung/Bayu/NRA)

Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti

Friday, October 04, 2019 | 15:44 WIB 189