Protection of Constitutional Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah opening the Socialization of Citizens’ Constitutional Rights for the Association of Indonesian People with Disability, Tuesday (24/9) in Sentul, Bogor. Photo by Humas MK/ Wengky.

SENTUL, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court— Constitutional Court Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah said that the protection of persons with disabilities legally protect them and is a recognition that discrimination based on disability is a violation of the dignity and values inherent in every human.

"Discussing constitutional rights means talking about basic human rights contained in the Constitution. The rights stipulated in the Constitution are boundaries that cannot be violated by the state administrators in exercising state power, both as citizens\' rights and human rights. In the 1945 Constitution, rights are expressly referred to as human rights. One of the constitutional rights regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities," said Guntur in opening of the Socialization of Citizens’ Constitutional Rights for the Association of Indonesian People with Disability held by the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center of the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (24/9/2019) in Sentul, Bogor .

Guntur added that the protection of persons with disabilities can also be interpreted as an effort to create environment and public facilities that are accessible for the equal opportunity for persons with disabilities to live independently in society. "[It is] protection from vulnerability to various acts of discrimination and especially from various human rights violations. This special treatment is seen as an effort to maximize respect, promotion, protection, and fulfillment of universal human rights," explained Guntur before 105 participants.

Guntur also explained that the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities need to be regulated both in the Constitution and in legislation, not only to guarantee the fulfillment of the rights and needs of persons with disabilities, but also to give to the government and the community the responsibility to actively providing protection to the dignity of persons with disabilities.

Head of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center Kurniasih Panti Rahayu said that the Constitutional Court serves as guardian of the Constitution, guardian of democracy, guardian of the state ideology, protector of human rights, protector of citizens’ constitutional rights, and final interpreter of the Constitution. The Court’s interpretation of the law is the state’s official interpretation of the law.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian People with Disability (PPDI) Gufron Sakaril highlighted the negative treatment against persons with disabilities. According to him, people with disabilities receive inhumane treatment from those around them, due to family factor and the lack of implementation of the Disability Law.

Persons with disabilities as Indonesian citizens also have the same rights as other citizens. The state’s obligation to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities is regulated in Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities. The socialization program will take place Tuesday-Friday (24-27/9/2019) in Sentul, Bogor. (Bayu/LA)

Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 | 18:18 WIB 209