Constitutional Court Short Movie Competition Enters Judging Round

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah with Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau Heru Setiawan, comic artist Panji Pragiwaksono, and director Wregas Bhanuteja assessing short films for the Short Movie Competition, Thursday (29/8) at the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court held a Short Movie Competition on “The Constitutional Court’s Landmark Decisions” on April 11 to July 26, 2019 for Indonesian young generation.

For the Constitutional Court, the film is a medium that is not only for entertainment, but also an effective medium for communication and education to deliver certain messages to the wider community. Therefore, in the series of activities of the 2019 Constitution and Anti-Corruption Festival to be held on September 10-11, 2019, the Constitutional Court deemed this competition necessary.

On Thursday (29/8/2019), the jury consisting of the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court M. Guntur Hamzah, comic artist Panji Pragiwaksono, and young Indonesian director Wregas Bhanuteja assessed the 18 films received by the competition committee.

Expressing Constitutional Values

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah said that the competition aims at providing opportunities for the young generation to develop creativity and express the values of Pancasila and the Constitution. After watching the films submitted in this competition, he argued that young filmmakers who participated in the competition organized by the Constitutional Court had been able to describe the younger generation’s viewpoints of the Constitutional Court\'s decisions.

According to Guntur, the ability to interpret the Constitutional Court’s decisions into a film requires understanding. "However, in the hands of this young generation, the decisions of the Constitutional Court can be simplified, making [the decisions] more down to earth," he said.

Appreciating New Filmmakers

Panji Pragiwaksono expressed his appreciation for the young beginner filmmakers for producing fun films despite working with limitations. According to Panji, the Constitutional Court’s decision to select short films as a medium for delivering complex legal concepts was very appropriate. In addition, the target is young people. He hoped that the Court continues to hold this competition so that the public will be more aware of the Court and its decisions.

“[…] hopefully these films could be spread and will inspire others. If [this competition] continues, hopefully it will inspire other filmmakers to produce even better films on the Constitutional Court,” Panji said.

Panji explained that the films were judged based on the compliance with the theme, the delivery of the message, as well as technicalities such as image quality and dialogue. Based on his observation, the films entered into the competition are not made by professional filmmakers, but beginner filmmakers in short film. This made him happy to see the enthusiasm and spirit of the young generation in putting their ideas into film.

Successfully Presenting Ideas

Wregas Bhanutedja said that when judging the films, he observed that the young Indonesian filmmakers’ resolution in making the films despite limitations. He praised their ability to successfully deliver the message. He believed the various types of film in the competition—fiction, documentary, animation—had successfully represented the ideas of the filmmakers, who came from different regions and backgrounds, and reflected the theme of the competition.

“This is interesting to discuss. The creativity in presenting the ideas, the filmmaking techniques including sound, editing, color, and artistic [elements] will be some points to assess these works,” said Wregas, who directed the film “Prenjak” that won the Discovery Award for Short Film in the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.

The 18 films are “Jayalah Mahkamah Konstitusi” (Long Live the Constitutional Court), “Hopen”, “Perdebatan Putusan MK Tentang Kepercayaan dan Pemilu” (Debate on the Constitutional Court\'s Decisions on Trust and Elections), “Perluasan Makna Perjanjian Perkawinan oleh MK” (Broadening of the Meaning of Marriage Agreement by the Constitutional Court), “Bahagia Bersama Mahkamah Konstitusi” (Happy with the Constitutional Court), “Seribu Mata Angin” (A Thousand Directions), “Kebelet Kawin” (Eager to Marry), “MK Malaikatku” (Constitutional Court My Angel), “Mengenal Mahkota Putusan MK” (Understanding the Crown of the Constitutional Court\'s Decisions), “Putusan MK dan Sikap Ideal Warga Negara” (The Constitutional Court\'s Decisions and the Ideal Attitude of Citizens), “Dua Asa Dibalut Satu Cinta” (Two Hopes in One Love), “Pesta Usai Konflik Selesai” (Party Ends, Conflict Over), “Putusan MK Bukan Pemutus Silaturahmi” (The Constitutional Court\'s Decisions Do Not Break Relationship), “Cinta Terlarang” (Forbidden Love), “The Debate”, “Free Wedding”, “Penghulu” (Wedding Officiant), and “Salah Kaprah Putusan MK Nomor 46 Tahun 2016” (Inaccurate Constitutional Court Decision Number 46 of 2016). 

The winners of this competition will be announced and invited to attend the 2019 Constitution and Anti-Corruption Festival on September 10-11 2019 at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. (Sri Pujianti/LA)

Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti

Friday, August 30, 2019 | 10:36 WIB 182