Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat delivering his presentation to participants of a program to enhance the understanding of citizens\\' constitutional rights for ADPK and AP3KNI, Wednesday (21/8) in Bogor. Photo by Humas MK/Panji.
BOGOR, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat delivering his presentation to participants of a program to enhance the understanding of citizens\\' constitutional rights for the Association of Lecturers of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (ADPK) and the Professional Association for Pancasila and Indonesian Citizenship Education (AP3KNI), Wednesday (21/8/19) in Sentul, Bogor. He started his presentation entitled "The Pancasila-Based Law State" by saying that cohesion in Indonesia was very weak because of the gap that caused antipathy among citizens.
"With Pancasila, which is based on noble desires and illuminated by the divine light, in the Reform era, Indonesia has been a unity until today. That is because Indonesia is blessed by Allah SWT [“May He be praised and exalted”]," he said.
Justice Arief also said that the only ideology that is most suitable in Indonesia is Pancasila based on the Pancasila ideology. Therefore, the Indonesian people must be able to manage the values of Pancasila well. "All laws can be managed properly because everything is adjusted to the characters of the Indonesian people—the Pancasila characters," he explained before 150 participants.
Court Registrar Muhidin also delivered a presentation entitled "The Development of Constitutional Dynamics, Indonesia’s Constitutionalism, and Judicial Review Procedural Law." With regard to the Constitution and the dynamics of its implementation, Muhidin said that the 1945 Constitution not only gave birth to a single constitutional system, but several, which differs from one another. "One context of the Constitution can give birth to several different constitutional systems. The cause of the differing constitutional systems of the same Constitution is its interpretation," he explained.
Muhidin asked that the participants as practitioners of Pancasila and citizenship really provide an explanation related to the strong values of Pancasila and the Constitution, not only in theory but also in practice. This is so that students have love for Pancasila. "Aspects of interpretation must be mastered and studied so as not to cause interpretations that can divide the Indonesian nation," he added.
Muhidin also said that the constitution must exist in a country. The first Constitution was adopted on August 18, 1945 and continued to experience developments and dynamics in its implementation. The 1945 Constitution is the highest temporary legal document, as stated by the first President Ir. Sukarno.
The program to enhance the understanding of citizens\\' constitutional rights for the Association of Lecturers of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (ADPK) and the Professional Association for Pancasila and Indonesian Citizenship Education (AP3KNI) also features presentations by Law Faculty lecturer at the University of Pancasila M. Ilham Hermawan on "State Administration System according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia." He explained the main ideas of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, the fundamentals of state administration, government systems, state institutions and relations between state institutions, as well as regional autonomy. Meanwhile, Professor of Hasanuddin University, Makasar Judhariksawan also delivered a presentation related to human rights in the Indonesian state system.
Constitutional justices, constitutional law professor, and academics who are qualified in teaching Pancasila and the Constitution delivered presentations in this program. This program was attended by 150 participants, 75 from ADPK and and 75 from AP3KNI. (Panji/LA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Thursday, August 22, 2019 | 16:43 WIB 343