Petition of North Maluku DPD Candidate Dismissed

The Petitioner’s attorney Imam Taufiq (left) during the ruling pronouncement of the DPR-DPRD PHPU of North Maluku Province, Tuesday (6/8) in the Plenary Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) held a ruling pronouncement for DPD candidate Tjatur Sapto Edy of petition No. 01-32-27/PHPU.DPD/XVII/2019 on the 2019 election results dispute (PHPU) of North Maluku Province.

"The verdict heard, declares the Petitioner\'s petition cannot be accepted," said plenary chairperson Anwar Usman, before the other eight constitutional justices, in the ruling hearing, Tuesday (6/8/2019).

According to the Court, the Petitioner had a legal standing. Meanwhile, for the two people who filed as Relevant Parties, the Court considered that they did not have a legal standing, because the petition letter to become a Relevant Party was not signed by the parties concerned, which contradicted the Constitutional Court’s Regulations.

With regard to the principal matter of the petition, the Court conveyed the Petitioner\'s petitum that the Constitutional Court make a decision to annul the KPU\'s decision regarding the determination of votes on Dapil North Maluku along with its legal consequences.

“In the petitum, the Petitioner also requested that the Constitutional Court determine the vote acquisition from 32,315 votes to 42,863 votes for the Petitioner and declare Ir. Tjatur Sapto Edy an elected DPD member, as well as reduce the number of votes for other DPD candidates," explained Constitutional Justice I Dewa Gede Palguna, who read out the opinion of the Court.

However, according to the Court, there was a contradiction between the petitum, which had been compiled cumulatively. Therefore, it was impossible for the Court to grant one of the petitum of the petition. The situation would be different if the petitum was arranged alternatively. (Nano Tresna Arfana/LA)

Translated by: MJK/YW

Wednesday, August 07, 2019 | 14:07 WIB 132