Bawaslu attending the ruling pronouncement of the 2019 DPR-DPRD PHPU of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Wednesday (7/8) in the Plenary Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh.
JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) read out the Decree of petition No. 113-05-03/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019 submitted by Sopyan Hakim for West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) on Wednesday (7/8/2019). The subject of the decree was that the Petitioner withdrew his petition.
"Approves the withdrawal of the Petitioner\'s petition," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman before the other eight constitutional justices. The Court also stated that the Petitioner could not re-submit the petition.
The Court had received the PHPU DPRD-DPRD petition submitted by Sopyan Hakim, S. Kep. Ners. on May 23, 2019. Sopyan was a DPRD candidate Number 10 of Dapil East Lombok 2 from the United Development Party (PPP).
Responding to this petition, the Constitutional Court scheduled a preliminary hearing on July 12, 2019. However, on July 09, 2019 the Court received a letter from the Petitioner about the withdrawal of petition No. 113-10-18/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019 signed by the Petitioner\'s attorney, Iskandar, S. H., M. H. and Lalu Rusdi, S. H. In addition, the Court’s Registrar Office on July 10, 2019 also received a letter from the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the United Development Party dated July 9, 2019 regarding the withdrawal of petition signed by its attorney, M. Hadrawi Ilham, S. H. and Angga Brata Rosihan, S. H. (Arif Satriantoro/NRA/RD)
Translated by: FS/YW
Wednesday, August 07, 2019 | 18:47 WIB 154