The Petitioner\'s Attorney I Made Arnawa smiling after hearing the ruling pronouncement of the DPR-DPRD PHPU of Bali Province, Tuesday (6/8) in the Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.
JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) declared that the petition by the Great Movement Party (Gerindra) could not be accepted. "The verdict heard, declares the Petitioner’s petition cannot be accepted," said plenary chairperson Anwar Usman, before the other constitutional justices, reading out Decision No. 153-02-17/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019 of the 2019 DPR-DPRD PHPU of Bali Province petitioned by the Gerindra Party, on Tuesday (6/8/2019) at the Constitutional Court.
The Gerindra Party felt disadvantaged because of alleged fraud, which caused vote loss in the election of the Bali Provincial DPRD of the electoral district (Dapil) of Bali 1. However, according to the Court, the Gerindra Party\'s petition did not elaborate on this matter. “The Petitioner did not explain the allegation of fraud further. Besides that, in the vote recapitulation, the Petitioner only listed a conjecture or interpretation according to the Petitioner," explained Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Aswanto, who read the opinion of the Court.
Gerindra Party (Petitioner) also postulated ballot stuffing that benefitted the Democratic Party and vote purging against the Petitioner in the 2019 Legislative Election (Pileg). However, the Petitioner did not explain the location of the dispute on vote results.
"Did the vote switch occur at the PPS or PPK level? Or at the Regency or Provincial KPU? In addition, the Petitioner did not elaborate on the correct vote acquisition according to the Petitioner at each of these levels. Therefore, the Petitioner\'s petition is unclear," said Justice Aswanto. (Nano Tresna Arfana/LA)
Translated by: MJK/YW
Tuesday, August 06, 2019 | 20:13 WIB 119