Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah welcoming the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) representative Deputy of Public Services Diah Natalisa, Thursday (1/8) at the 11th floor Meeting Room. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.
JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Regarding the evaluation of public services in state institutions, the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) represented by Deputy of Public Services Diah Natalisa on Thursday (1/8/2019) visited the Constitutional Court (MK). Diah was welcomed by the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, M. Guntur Hamzah, accompanied by structural and functional officials.
Guntur said that the Court’s public services were electronic-based. In his explanation, he said that currently the Court no longer accepts complaints directly or physically, but utilizes digital technology on the Court\'s website, which can be accessed by people from various parts of the country. He also explained that the digital services did not reduce the quality of conventional aspects of public services.
On the Court’s website, Guntur added, public service features such as Tanya Jawab (Question and Answer), Hubungi MK (Contact MK), and Whistleblowing are available. On the website, there is also links to the Ethics Council and Simpel MKRI, which is related to the Court\'s business core. However, he added, should anyone come to the Court directly to make complaints and request various other services, the Digital Corner is prepared to provide services in relation to Court proceedings. "So, the Constitutional Court in this case does not only provide the best public services, but the Court is also committed to the optimal implementation of electronic-based public services," said Guntur.
Not Accreditation
In response to the Court’s public services, Diah Natalisa appreciated the progress. She also hoped that the electronic-based public services be further improved, considering that every state institution must immediately provide global public services.
In this audience, Diah explained that Kemenpan-RB’s agenda is not an accreditation, but serves to encourage public service activities that have been carried out by every state institution including the Constitutional Court as a modern and open judicial institution in Indonesia. Before the evaluation is carried out, Diah continued, her office will provide a series of technical guidance for ministries and institutions that will be involved in the public service delivery evaluation.
"In fact, we are here as part of an effort to appreciate what every institution has done in the implementation of its public services so that the locus of public service itself is left to the institution in question," explained Diah.
As a guideline in developing and improving the delivery of public services, Kemenpan-RB applies three assessment instruments. First, an objective data questionnaire that can be filled directly through the internet by the relevant institutions, second, an observation questionnaire that will be conducted internally by Kemenpan-RB, and third, public survey questionnaire that anyone can fill in.
"So we don\'t make report cards. And we need to emphasize that before conducting this evaluation we will invite and provide guidance to the institutions that will be given the assessment, and then we will come to the evaluation corresponding to the schedule of the institutions to be evaluated, and all will be delivered systematically," Diah concluded. (Sri Pujianti/LA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Thursday, August 01, 2019 | 19:21 WIB 251