KPU Commissioner Hasyim Asy\\'ari opening ballot boxes witnessed by the litigating parties and the panel of justices in the 2019 DPR-DPRD Election Results Dispute (PHPU) hearing of Riau Islands Province on Thursday (25/7) in the Panel Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.
JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Regarding the loss of C1 Plano forms from the ballot boxes at TPS (polling station) 12 of Sungai Lekop, East Bintan Sub-district, Bintan Regency, the General Election Commission (KPU) opened the ballot boxes in the Constitutional Court (MK) hearing on Thursday evening (25/07/2019). The opening of the ballot boxes was witnessed by the Panel 2, consisting of Deputy Chief Justice Aswanto with Constitutional Justices Saldi Isra and Manahan M. P. Sitompul, Central KPU Commissioner, and Commissioners of KPU and Bawaslu of Riau Islands Province, as well as the litigants.
Central KPU Commissioner Hasyim Asy\\'ari opened the ballot boxes with Riau Islands Provincial KPU Commissioner Widiyono Agung Sulistyo. After the ballot boxes were opened and calculated for the Golkar Party at TPS 12 of Sungai Lekop Village, East Bintan Sub-district, Bintan Regency, for the electoral district (Dapil) Bintan 3, the results were: Candidate No. 1 received 19 votes, Candidate No. 5 received 13 votes, Candidate No. 2 received 11 votes, Candidate No. 4 received 1 vote, Candidate No. 7 received 5 votes, and Candidate No. 3 received 7 votes.
The ballot boxes were opened due to a dispute between Golkar Party Candidate No. 2 Amran (Petitioner) and Candidate No. 3 Aisyah (Relevant Party). The Golkar Party’s internal dispute was postulated in the Golkar Party\\'s petition No. 167-04-10/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019 for Riau Islands Province. The reason was that some votes for Amran were switched after recapitulation in East Bintan Sub-district, from 1,061 votes to 1,043 votes at TPS 12 in Sungai Lekop Village, East Bintan Sub-district during the election of DPRD members.
However, according to the KPU’s statement at the hearing, the C1 Plano forms in the ballot boxes did not exist. Therefore, the panel of the constitutional justices ordered that the ballot boxes at TPS 12 Sungai Lekop be brought to the Court\\'s hearing and opened. The panel of justices ordered that votes be counted, because the C1 Plano forms were not in the ballot boxes. However, the calculation was only for the vote acquisition of the Golkar Party and their candidates. The calculation was carried out to ensure the votes for the Petitioner and Relevant Party as well as the overall votes for the Golkar Party, especially at TPS 12 of Sungai Lekop.
At the same hearing at the Constitutional Court on Thursday (25/07/2019), the ballot boxes from TPS 42 in Batu Selicin Village and TPS 87 in Baloi Permai in Batam Kota Sub-district were opened regarding a dispute between the Gerindra Party candidates, Candidate No. 1 Nyanyang Haris Pratamura and Candidate No. 2 Asnah.
After the ballot boxes were opened by KPU Commissioner Hasyim Asy\\'ari before the panel of justices, Nyanyang Haris Pratamura received 12 votes and Asnah received 1 vote at TPS 42 Batu Selicin. Meanwhile, at TPS 87 Baloi Permai, the Petitioner (Nyanyang Haris Pratamura) received 4 votes and Asnah received 1 vote. In addition, there were no errors in the C1 Plano form as argued by the Gerindra Party in petition No. 146-02-10/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019 in the Riau Islands Province. (Nano Tresna Arfana/NRA)
Translated by: MJK/YW
Friday, July 26, 2019 | 07:23 WIB 163