Fight for Last Seat in Dapil Gorontalo 1

Akhamad Jazuli as the KPU\'s attorney delivering response to the Petitioner’s petition for the DPR-DPRD PHPU of Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Province and Gorontalo Province on Tuesday (17/7) at the Panel Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) as the Relevant Party responded to the petition of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) No. 03-08-30/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019. Gerindra responded to PKS’s argument about the difference of 100 votes. The vote margin caused the PKS not getting the last seat for the Gorontalo Provincial DPRD in Dapil (electoral district) Gorontalo 1.

“In essence, the statement of the Relevant Party is a rejection of the Petitioner\'s petition. The Petitioners\' arguments are false and incorrect,” said Dahlan Pido, Gerindra\'s attorney in the DPR-DPRD PHPU hearing of Gorontalo Province on Wednesday (17/07/2019) at 08.00 WIB in Panel 2 Courtroom, presided over by Justice Aswanto, with Constitutional Justices Saldi Isra and Manahan M. P. Sitompul.

Dahlan said that PKS only explained the vote acquisition according to PKS’s calculation without any comparable evidence of C1, DAA1, or DB1. Thus, PKS’s petition is unclear and could be merely the Petitioner’s assumption and allegation.

Previously, PKS alleged that they received 7,830 votes in Dapil Gorontalo 1 of Gorontalo Province. Meanwhile, according to the General Election Commission (KPU) as the Respondent, PKS received 7,730 votes. Thus, there is a difference of 100 votes, which was considered detrimental to PKS (Petitioner). According to PKS, PKS should have obtained the last seat (8th seat), not the Gerindra Party.

Next, the Golkar Party as the Relevant Party responded to the petition of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) No. 78-03-30/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019.

"In accordance with the evidence of C1 Regency/City DPRD at TPS 3 of Palopo Village, Marisa Subdistrict, both those of the Relevant Party and the Respondent, there is no difference in the vote acquisition as argued by the Petitioner," said Irwan to the Constitutional Court Justices.

Irwan also asserted that the Relevant Party stated that the Respondent\'s Decree (SK) was valid regarding the political party votes collected in the Kulowato Regency DPRD election of the electoral district (Dapil) of Pohuwato 1.

Meanwhile, the General Election Commission (KPU) as the Respondent also responded to PDIP\'s petition regarding the inflation of the Golkar Party\'s votes in Dapil Pohuwato 1 at a number of polling stations (TPS) in several villages in Marisa Sub-district, Patilanggio Sub-district, and Duhidaa Sub-district in Pohuwato Regency.

“The Petitioner\'s argument is incorrect. In fact, there was an objection from the PDIP witness to Golkar\'s vote acquisition at the vote recapitulation stage in Pohuwato Regency. The Respondent has followed up the objection by comparing the copies of the C1 forms owned by the Pahuwato Bawaslu (Respondent), the District Election Committee, the Voting Committee, and the witnesses,” explained the Respondent\'s attorney, Akhmad Jazuli.

Special Province of Yogyakarta (DIY) Bawaslu Commissioner Sri Rahayu Werdiningsih responded to petition by the National Awakening Party (PKB) No. 30-01-15/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019. "Based on the results of supervision by Bawaslu DIY at TPS 2 in Glagah Village, Temon Subdistrict, there was no specific incident in the voting and counting process even though it was not attended by PKB’s witness," said Sri.

In addition, based on a photo of the C1 Plano model form, a copy of the C1 forms, and a copy of the DAA1 forms received by Kulon Progo Regency Bawaslu, at TPS 2 in Glagah Village, Temon Subdistrict, the Petitioner Fitroh Nurwijoyo Legowo received 2 votes whereas Hifni Muhammad Nasikh did not get a vote. (Nano Tresna Arfana/NRA)

Translated by: MJK/YW

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 | 15:27 WIB 148