Papua Province Bawaslu Gives Explanations at Hearing

Papua Province Bawaslu (The Election Supervisory Board)Amandus Situmorang delivering a statement at the DPR-DPRD PHPU hearing on Monday (15/7) at the Panel Courtroomof the Constitutional Court.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) held hearings on the DPR-DPRD (House of Representatives-Regional Legislative Council) Legislative Election Results Dispute (PHPU) in Panel 2 on Monday (15/7/2019) at 10:30 WIB. Papua Province Bawaslu of responded to the petition of the Golkar Party No. 170-04-33/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019.

Papua Province Bawaslu Amandus Situmorang responded to the allegation of vote purging of Golkar in Yahukimo Regency by 167,000 votes. Papua Province Bawaslu had issued a recommendation to the Papua Province KPU to order the Yahukimo Regency KPU to compare data of the DA1 DPR, DA1 DPD, DA1 Provincial DPRD among witnesses from the Golkar Party, PDIP, Nasdem Party, Perindo Party, Gerindra Party, and DPD witnesses No. 24 and 29 with that of the Yahukimo KPU.

"Based on the results of Papua Province Bawaslu, Yahukimo Regency KPU has compared the data with witnesses of Golkar, PDIP, Nasdem, Perindo, Gerindra, and DPD witnesses No. 24 and 29 and has corrected the vote acquisition errors," Amandus said in the hearing, which was presided over by Justice Aswanto (chairperson), with two panel members, Justices Saldi Isra and Manahan M. P. Sitompul.

Meanwhile, the KPU (Respondent) through attorney M. Rudjito denied the arguments of Petitioners Jacobus, Paskalis Kossai, and Elia Numberi on the election of members of the Papuan People\'s Representative Council (DPRP). The arguments are, among other things, ballot stuffing to other political parties and purging of the votes for the Petitioners.

"As for the Jayapura DPRD [case], for Petitioner Marcus Numberi, it was an internal problem within the Golkar Party," said Rudjito.

Meanwhile, the Relevant Party (Golkar) through attorney Supriyadi explained that there was no vote purging against Petitioners Jacobus, Paskalis Kossai, and Elia Numberi in the election of members of the Papuan People\'s Representative Council (DPRP).

The Respondent also responded to the arguments of the Hanura Party\'s petition No. 42-13-33/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XVII/2019 regarding Bawaslu’s recommendation through attorney Berna Sudjana Ermaya.

"Bawaslu’s recommendation argued by the Petitioner is an administrative dispute. The Petitioner also does not have comparative data to prove the argument, " said Berna. (Nano Tresna Arfana/NRA)

Translated by: MJK/YW

Monday, July 15, 2019 | 22:28 WIB 161