DKI Jakarta Bawaslu Submits Written Statements for 2019 Legislative PHPU

Written statements submitted by DKI Jakarta Bawaslu to the Constitutional Court (5/7). Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.

DKI Jakarta Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Chairman Muhammad Jufri submitted written statements to the 2019 legislative election results dispute (PHPU) petitions filed by five political parties contesting in the 2019 Legislative Election, on Friday afternoon (5/7/2019). The five parties are the National Awakening Party (PKB), the Democratic Party, the Great Movement Party (Gerindra), the Golkar Party, and the National Democratic Party (Nasdem).

PKB questioned the Decree of the General Elections Commission (KPU) on the election results of Overseas DKI Jakarta II electoral districts (dapil), especially Kuala Lumpur. Golkar questioned the election results of DKI Jakarta III dapil on addition and/or reduction of votes. Gerindra claimed they lost votes, hence losing two legislative tickets.

“In this case, PKB, Gerindra, and Nasdem questioned the results of overseas election. Nasdem wants uncalculated votes, PKB and Gerindra request elimination of overseas votes. Those are the subjects of the petitions,” Jufri said while submitting written statements and supporting documents from the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu.

Ten Political Parties

Coordinator of Data and Information Legal Division of Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Bawaslu Ajmal Arif also submitted written statements regarding petitions filed by ten political parties and one DPD candidate. He said that the statements were mostly regarding the results of the legislative election.

“The petitions only relate to the election results, in which there are discrepancies in the number of votes starting from the polling stations (TPS),” said Ajmal at the ground floor hall of the Constitutional Court.

Vote Margin

Chairman of West Kalimantan Provincial Bawaslu Ruhermansyah revealed he had submitted written statements and evidence for the petitions filed by Gerindra, the United Indonesia Party (Perindo), the National Mandate Party (PAN), the National Awakening Party (PKB), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), and the Berkarya Party. Those parties questioned the vote margins of the 2019 legislative election, which would guarantee them legislative tickets.

“We have the right to give a neutral written statement to one of the [litigants], in which we explained what was done during supervising and in the prevention,” Ruhermansyah explained.

The West Kalimantan Provincial Bawaslu has provided evidence in the form of supervisory forms, recommendation letters, and decisions in relation to the resolution of administrative violations, as well as C1, DA1, and DB1 forms. (Sri Pujianti/NRA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Friday, July 05, 2019 | 21:23 WIB 163