Ahead of 2019 Legislative PHPU Hearing, Bawaslu Submits Written Statement

Bawaslu Chairperson Abhan submitting written statements in response to the petition, received by Court Registrar Muhidin, Thursday (4/7) at the ground floor hall of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) entourage arrived at the Constitutional (MK) on Thursday afternoon (4/7/2019) to submit written statements for the 2019 legislative election results dispute (PHPU) resolution.

Bawaslu Chairperson Abhan said that Bawaslu had submitted written statements in response to the petition. He said that his agency responded to the propositions in accordance with the facts that the agency had. “We focus on responding to the posita with the evidence that we possess. In essence, anything related to Bawaslu will be responded,” he stressed.

Abhan also explained that Bawaslu submitted the written statements as the Relevant Party in stages. Without providing any details, he said that there had been statements from five provinces. “Starting from this afternoon until tomorrow we will be submitting written statements,” he explained.

At the same time, the National Awakening Party’s (PKB) attorney Ansorul Huda revealed that his camp had registered as the Relevant Parties in an internal party dispute. “Now we are also submitting a list of evidence as well as additional evidence and powers of attorney from two clients,” he said.

The Relevant Parties are Saifuddin for the House of Representatives (DPR RI) and H. M. Jamhuri for Bangkalan Legislative Council (DPRD). At the DPR level, there was a 4,000-odd vote margin with the Petitioner, while at the DPRD level 400-odd. The Petitioners, he revealed, had alleged a loss of votes, barring them from winning the election.

“We believe [we] can win, because we have evidence and tiered vote counting recapitulation at every level of tally,” he stressed. He also believed that the KPU had carried out their duties professionally and objectively. (Arif Satriantoro/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Thursday, July 04, 2019 | 18:16 WIB 284