PKB and PD Completes Legislative PHPU Dossiers

Additional evidence for the 2019 Legislative Election Results Dispute (PHPU) petition on Monday (1/7) at the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—After handling the 2019 Presidential Election Results Dispute (PHPU) case, the Constitutional Court (MK) prepares to hold a series of 2019 Legislative PHPU hearings. Today, Monday (1/7), the Constitutional Court received more document from the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Democratic Party (PD).

PD\'s attorney Ardy Mbalembout said that his team came to submit additional evidence for the DPR (House of Representatives) and DPRD (Regional Legislative Council) petitions for the provinces of Papua, West Papua, East Java, West Java, Kalimantan, and Banten. “The case involved the ballot stuffing and changes made in C1 to D1 [forms]. Furthermore, there was a vote calculation done not by the KPU, but done by an external party," he explained. Those reasons drove his party to submit additional evidence to strengthen their petition.

Meanwhile, PKB attorney Frisca J. M. Gultom said that she added additional evidence that she had just obtained. “Actually [the Petitioners] may submit [additional evidence] during the hearing. However, it’s better that we add it now," she explained. She said that the cases that she handled were for the DPRD and central DPR of Papua and South Sumatera. (Arif S./NRA/MJK/YW)

Monday, July 01, 2019 | 21:45 WIB 164