Witness Idham Amiruddin for the Petitioner giving statement on DPT. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.
JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court (MK) held the third hearing of the 2019 presidential election results dispute (PHP) case petitioned by Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Pair Number 02 Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, on Wednesday (19/6/2019). The hearing presented 15 witnesses and 2 experts for the Petitioner. Constitutional Court, in full bench, started the hearing of the case No. 01/PHPU-PRES/XVII/2019 in the Plenary Courtroom, with Chief Justice Anwar Usman presiding.
At the beginning, Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra clarified the Petitioner’s evidence that had been submitted later to the Constitutional Court. He said that the pieces of evidence, which was kept in containers, had not been labeled and arranged according to the Constitutional Court’s procedural law. The Court granted the Petitioner time until 12.00 WIB to reorganize the evidence. The Petitioner’s attorney Bambang Widjojanto affirmed that his camp would withdraw the evidence if it could not be reorganized within the given deadline.
The Petitioner presented the first witness Agus M. Maksum to give statement in relation to final voters lists (DPT) with unordinary codes in a vast amount. Agus admitted that since December 2018, as head of Prabowo-Sandi’s National Victory Agency’s (BPN) IT Team, he had coordinated with the General Elections Commission (KPU) (Respondent) in relation to the problematic DPTs.
“However, until March 2019, there was no [resolution], so we submitted an official report to the KPU so that [they follow-up on] out-of-ordinary DPTs with special codes as many as 17.5 million [people], consisting of fake resident identity numbers (NIK) and family card numbers (KK), same birthdays in uncommonly high number. We believe it must be rectified, if not the data will be tainted, the real data that is not used,” Agus explained in response to the questions of Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Aswanto.
Invalid Family Cards
In elaborating the idiosyncrasies that his team had found, Agus said that the unordinary DPTs were in an uncommonly vast number and the codes are specific, such as 0107, 3112, and 0101. In addition, his team also found invalid family cards (KK) that include a total of 1,000 names. He had found it in Majalengka, Magelang, dan Bogor. In his statement, Agus referred to the population administration system that the first six digits in the KK number is the territory code, while the next six digits specifies the recording date of the KK. “We believe the KKs are invalid because the second six digits do not show any information, because there is the number 000000,” Agus explained.
Manipulated NIKs and Double Voters
Next, the Petitioner presented witness Idham Amiruddin, a software aficionado and database analysis consultant, to give a statement regarding DPT issues. From his independent investigation, Idham concluded that there had been fake NIK codes in relation to sub-district (kecamatan), manipulated NIKs, as well as double voters and underage voters in Indonesian population data. To Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat, who posed the questions, Idham said that the fake NIK sub-district codes in question were regions that did not exist but had NIK codes. He said that he had found data from 85 sub-districts in Bogor, while in fact Bogor only has 40 sub-districts. “These are what constitutes fake sub-districts,” he said.
Idham also found manipulated NIKs, referring to the Government Regulation No. 37 of 2007 on the Implementation of Law No. 23 of 2006 on Population Administration. He believed that an NIK consists of codes of province, district/municipality, and date, month, and year of birth. He said that in a manipulated NIK, the codes were inaccurate. “For example, in an NIK of a woman, it should consist of birth date plus 40. For example, the birth date is 1, so the NIK code will be 41. This case occurred most often in Bogor,” said Idham, who resides in Makassar.
In the last session on Friday (14/6/2019), Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Pair Number 02 Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno as Petitioner claimed there had been structured, systematic, and massive (TSM) electoral violations in the 2019 presidential election. In addition, the Petitioner conveyed the subjects of the petition, including the formal defect of the requirement of Vice Presidential Candidate Number 01 Ma’ruf Amin, who since the beginning of his candidacy until the preliminary hearing was still a BUMN (SOE) official. In addition, the Petitioner also argued the material defect of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Pair Number 01 Joko Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin as the Relevant Party for campaign funds allegedly originating from fictitious sources as well as other electoral violations by the Relevant Party in the 2019 presidential election on April 17. (Sri Pujianti/LA/NB/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 | 23:57 WIB 98