Chief Justice Anwar Usman spoke during the inauguration of the Al-Mujahiddin Mosque of Tumpu, Bolo Sub-district, Bima District, West Nusa Tenggara Barat on Sunday (5/5/2019). Photo by Humas MK/M. Nur.
BIMA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Chief Justice Anwar Usman delivered a speech at the inauguration of the Al-Mujahiddin Mosque of Tumpu, Bolo Sub-district, Bima District, West Nusa Tenggara Barat on Sunday afternoon (5/5/2019). He spoke about “Realizing Welfare for the People in Ramadan Month Based on the Constitution.”
Justice Anwar said that the General Elections on April 17 were the first simultaneous elections in Indonesia. He stressed that the simultaneous elections were the most complicated in the world.
The simultaneous elections were the implementation of a Constitutional Court decision. On the casualties among the election organizers, he felt guilty.
He said that when a judge hands down a correct verdict, they would receive two pahala (rewards). If the verdict is wrong, they would only receive one. "The two pahalas are the reward of ijtihad and of truth. Meanwhile, if the judge decides incorrectly, they would only receive on reward, of ijtihad," he explained. (M.Nur/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Tuesday, May 07, 2019 | 21:31 WIB 159