Technical Assistance for Aceh Local Parties Concluded

Head of General Bureau of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center Imam Margono officially closing the Technical Assistance Program on the Procedural Law of the 2019 Elections Results Dispute Resolution for Aceh local parties, Aceh Province DPD candidates, and the academic community of Aceh on Wednesday (20/3). Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.

Head of General Bureau of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center Imam Margono officially closed the Technical Assistance Program on the Procedural Law of the 2019 Elections Results Dispute Resolution for Aceh local parties, Aceh Province DPD candidates, and the academic community of Aceh on Wednesday afternoon (20/3/2019).

At the closing ceremony, Imam said that the technical assistance was held with the idea that the success of the Constitutional Court in performing its authorities not only rely on the staff of the Court, but also by the understanding of all elements in society, who will litigate at the Court, of the procedural law, proceedings, mechanism, and stages of the 2019 Elections Results Dispute (PHPU) resolution. He also hoped that with stakeholders understanding the procedure of Court proceedings, the Constitutional Court will be able to resolve the 2019 PHPU well.

Participant M. Zuhri expressed his appreciation for the program, which he said valuable for the Aceh local parties. Aside from learning about the constitutional system and the procedural law in the Constitutional Court, participants were also introduced to the mechanism, stages, and activities of 2019 PHPU by Substitute Registrar and Constitutional Court researchers. They also practiced drafting the Petitioner’s petition and the statement of the Relevant Party in the 2019 Election Results Dispute Resolution. (Bayu/NRA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Thursday, March 21, 2019 | 15:23 WIB 178