Supreme Court Learns SIKD Implementation in Constitutional Court

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah welcoming Supreme Court Secretary Achmad Setyo Pudjoharsoyo and Supreme Court officials, Tuesday (19/3) in the Meeting Room of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.

JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah welcomed Supreme Court delegation to study the implementation of the Dynamic Archival Information System (SIKD) on Tuesday (19/3/2019). Supreme Court Secretary Achmad Setyo Pudjoharsoyo, who visited alongside Supreme Court officials, said that the delegation visited the Constitutional Court to learn more about the management of electronic archival information system, especially on non-technical matters. This is in line with the Supreme Court policy to create a new era of technology-based justice. Thus, the Supreme Court must also be active in e-office development. Therefore, Setyo added, it is expected that the electronic archival information system that has been implemented by the Constitutional Court can be adapted by the Supreme Court.

"And why the Constitutional Court? Because the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court have parallel duties and functions. There are technical and non-technical issues. It will make it easier for us to adopt and implement it. Thus, we can complement and inform each other regarding the implementation of this technology," Setyo hoped.

In response, Guntur was enthusiastic about conveying the things that the Court had implemented since 2016 in supporting the program designed by the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia. In the Constitutional Court, this archival management program is known as the Dynamic Archival Information System (SIKD). Initially, Guntur explained, this program seemed impossible to implement because many previous applications had fallen through in the middle of the process, so they were gradually abandoned. However, Guntur added in his presentation "SIKD: From Myths to Ethos," this archival program began to become a necessity in monitoring various scopes of work within the Constitutional Court, such as office memos, official letters, invitations, and announcements.

"The SIKD makes work more efficient. At the desk there are no more piles of letters because all documents have been digitized. So, there are no more work delays between units in this institution because everything can be resolved as soon as possible," Guntur explained.

It should be noted that SIKD is an effort to support the Government\'s National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) within the framework of e-Government, by managing an orderly electronic archive for each institution, both at the central and regional levels, universities and BUMN/BUMD (national/regional state-owned enterprises). In addition, this application is important for documenting information records in each institution and it is implemented to be able to create good archival management. Before the Supreme Court official, Guntur hoped that in the future SIKD would run well and there will be interconnection between state institutions so that the needs of stakeholder administration can be met more effectively and efficiently. (Sri Pujianti/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 | 16:53 WIB 295