Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah welcoming General Elections Commission (KPU) and National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), Monday (18/3) in the Constitutional Court Meeting Room. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
The General Elections Commission (KPU) and the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) visited the Constitutional Court on Monday morning (18/3/2019) in the Constitutional Court Meeting Room. The delegations were welcomed by Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah and Head of Planning and Financial Bureau Tatang Garjito, Head of General Bureau Mulyono, Head of Human Resources and Organization Bureau Teguh Wahyudi, as well as IT and archive staff. Rinardi said conveyed the aim of the delegation visit to learn about the Dynamic Archival Information System (SIKD) in the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court.
Related to this, Guntur said that the Constitutional Court had applied SIKD from ANRI since 2016 but patchwork process and changes were necessary to adjust it to the needs of the Constitutional Court. In general, SIKD was introduced in March 2017 in the Archives Unit. "On May 2, 2017 all work units within the Constitutional Court have followed up the Incoming Letter Using SIKD. Beginning in June 2017, all work units in the Constitutional Court have managed archives (office memos, official letters, invitations, announcement, etc.) using SIKD," Guntur explained before the officials of the National Commission on Human Rights and KPU.
He also shared about the obstacles during the initial implementation of SIKD. The biggest one was to overcome the doubts over the success of SIKD, which would reduce the use of paper, as well as the doubt over the legitimacy of digital signatures. Over time, all units have implemented the application. “In essence, [through] learning by doing, all the obstacles were overcome. Alhamdulillah, now [we are] used to using SIKD,” he said.
Guntur added that SIKD has been used for all office documents and e-documents. The IT team has prepared the tools—e-letters, official documents, as well as WhatsApp. “I input all official documents coming in through WhatsApp into SIKD. Looking for digital footprint will be easy. With SIKD, documents sent through WhatsApp will be official documents,” he said.
However, certain adjustments were needed to suit the Court’s needs. Among them were the official document drafting feature, integration of letter number, and certification of digital signature. “We developed the SIKD application in accordance with the Court’s needs,” he said.
Guntur said that SIKD has a huge impact on the Court. Several benefits include less paper office, prompt search of documents, and minimized piles on desks. “In addition, SIKD facilitates the control of letters needing follow-up and monitoring of letters. It used to be physical work, not it is smart work,” he said.
Within two years of SIKD implementation in the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court, 12,063 proposal letters and 99,763 follow-up letters have been processed; 12,936 digital files have been inputted in the system; and there are 361 active users. For certification of digital signature, the Court collaborated with the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN). The Court uses BSSN’s servers to authenticate the documents sent through SIKD.
The SIKD application supports the Government\'s National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) program in the framework of e-Government, that is, the management of orderly electronic records in ministries/central and regional state institutions, universities, and state-/region-owned enterprises (BUMN/BUMD). In addition, this application is very important as the heart of documenting information records in each institution, and it is very important to be implemented for managing records. The SIKD application has been widely used by ministries/state institutions, universities, and state-/region-owned enterprises, and provincial and district/municipal archive institutions. (Lulu Anjarsari/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Monday, March 18, 2019 | 15:11 WIB 300