Chief Justice of the Constitutional Anwar Usman as keynote speaker at the launch and discussion of a book by Hazairin, a 1998 activist, where Bima Vice Regent Dahlan M. Noer and his colleagues attending, Friday (8/3) at the Hall of the College of Social and Political Sciences (STISIP) Mbojo Bima. Photo by Humas MK/Yuwandi.
Chief Justice of the Constitutional delivered a keynote address at the launch and discussion of a book by Hazairin, a 1998 activist, at the Hall of the College of Social and Political Sciences (STISIP) Mbojo Bima, Friday (8/3). District and municipal officials were present, such as Bima Vice Regent Dahlan M. Noer, Bima District Secretary Taufik H.A.K., Bima Municipality Assistant Secretary II Alwin Yasin, as well as academia and students of several universities/colleges in Bima.
Beginning his address, Justice Anwar spoke of how the book Nurani Keadilan, Refleksi Diri dan Keberagaman (Conscience of Justice, Self-Reflection and Diversity) by Hazairin touched him. He was touched that a native of Bima had written it. “This book is the work of a Bima [native], entitled Conscience of Justice, Self-Reflection and Diversity. To be honest, this book is the only one that touched me and made me shed tears,” he said when opening the launch and discussion of the book.
However, on the other hand, Anwar felt devastated because Bima is still considered a backward area in Indonesia, one of which in education, even though there are many successful national figures from Bima. "Even two [natives] of Bima have chaired the Constitutional Court. It is very unfortunate that Bima currently does not have its own university. Bima should be more advanced," he said briefly.
Author Hazairin A.R. in his brief address asserted that the essence of all the discourses built in his book invites humanity not only to be intelligent but also to enter into an enlightened realm of thinking. Because, only then can we talk about personal models, group models, and models in state life.
According to Hazairin who served at the Central National Narcotics Agency (BNN), model is not only a word or an interpretation, but develops because it is demanded by our conscience as a true form of humanity. "In essence, it must have a variant, the first is amanah in delivering the truth, then smart in diplomacy and trustworthy," he said.
Head of STISIP Mbojo Bima, Mukhlis Ishaka, admitted that the book discussion was the first at the STISIP Mbojo Bima campus. Therefore, he expressed his appreciation to the author who, selected the campus to discuss the book. "Hopefully we will be able to participate, provide input, and discuss his book for future development," he said.
Mukhlis hopes that this activity will hopefully encourage academics to write books. "In STISIP Mbojo, there have actually been many who have written books like this, but none have been discussed yet. Hopefully this activity [will encourage the discussion of those books]," he hoped.
Representing Bima Municipal Government, Bima Municipality Assistant Secretary II Alwin Yasin in his brief address stressed, “Smart people are those who have good literacy, people who have intelligence, professionalism, and good character.”
Bima Vice Regent Dahlan M. Noer also expressed his appreciation for the book launch and discussion by STISIP Mbojo Bima. It is in line with one of the programs of Bima District, that is, literacy development. (Wengky/Ega/NRA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Monday, March 11, 2019 | 16:36 WIB 182