Chief Justice Anwar Usman and Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah, along with UII Rector Fathul Wahid, KPU Commissioner Ilham Saputra, and Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau Ruboyo opening a national seminar in collaboration with the Islamic University of Indonesia, Saturday (9/2) in Yogyakarta. Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.
The Constitutional Court (MK) held a national seminar on “Realizing Electoral Justice in the 2019 Simultaneous Elections.” The event was collaboration with the Islamic University of Indonesia in Yogyakarta on Saturday (9/2/2019). .
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman in the opening ceremony also spoke about the fact that democracy is inevitable throughout the world today. Even if a particular country adopts communism or imperialism, the values and principle of democracy is inevitable in practice.
“For example, transparence or openness in state administration, the management of human rights and civic duty, the management of functions and authorities of state institutions in the Constitution, are concrete examples that democratic values and principles are universal and inevitable,” he said before the participants.
First, Anwar said, simultaneous elections are expected to minimize the funds to organize the elections so that the state budget can be used to achieve other goals, especially promoting the people\'s welfare.
Second, simultaneous elections are expected to save time and reduce horizontal conflict or friction in the community. More than that, he added, simultaneous presidential (pilpres) and legislative (pileg) elections are a means of political education for the community, to be able to exercise their right to vote intelligently. This is because the citizens contribute to improving checks and balances of the presidential government with their own beliefs.
In addition, Indonesia has implemented several electoral systems and democracy since independence. However, it must be updated and evaluated according to the times. In the past, after Indonesia\'s independence, the implementation of democracy and elections that won praise from both national and international communities was the 1955 elections.
He said that it was praised because it was carried out honestly, fairly, transparently, and with integrity although it was the first election after Indonesia became independent.
Realizing elections full of integrity is not easy. Anomalies in the democracy are a common issue in various countries. Therefore, Justice Anwar added, in order to safeguard the democratic process and achieve expected election results, cooperation and synergy of all elements of the community and state institutions related to the elections such as the General Elections Commission (KPU), Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP), the Police, Attorney General’s Office, the courts, and the Constitutional Court.
Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah in his report said that the seminar was a synergy between the Constitutional Court and the Islamic University of Indonesia. “The Court would not function optimally without the support of universities,” he said.
The national seminar was seen as an effective forum to contribute to the success of the 2019 Simultaneous Elections. “It is our collective vision and hope that the 2019 Simultaneous Elections run well, safely, peacefully, democratically, and fairly,” he said.
The national seminar was held in line with the readiness and preparation of the Court in handling the 2019 simultaneous elections dispute cases. For the Constitutional Court, the implementation of its functions and roles to realize electoral justice is one of the most important focal points among all programs and activities in 2019. “Thus, we hope that the results of this national seminar will also further provide significant support for the work of the Constitutional Court," he concluded.
Constitutional Justice I Dewa Gede Palguna, KPU Commissioner Ilham Saputra, Election Supervisory Body (BAWASLU RI) member Ratna Dewi Pettalolo, honorary member of the Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP) Ida Budhiati, University of Indonesia professor of criminal law Topo Santoso, and UII Faculty of Law lecturer Jamalludin Ghafurm also delivered presentations in the seminar.
Media Visit and Talk Show
Aside from the national seminar, the Constitutional Court-UII collaboration also visits the newspaper “Kedaulatan Rakyat.” Chief Justice Anwar Usman was welcomed by KR Chief Director Gun Nugroho Samawi and revealed that the seminar was one of the Court’s efforts in socializing the Constitution. “The authority of the Constitutional Court is the spirit of the nation and country. The media, including KR Yogyakarta, has a significant role in the success of the elections,” he stressed.
Justice Anwar added, it was the Constitutional Court\'s first regional media visits. Of course, the Court expected active participation from the media to oversee the implementation of the elections in 2019.
Justice Anwar at the Jogja TV talk show revealed that justice in the implementation of the elections was very important because one of the principles of elections is fair and honest. "Ensuring that the organizers have good integrity, understand and uphold code of ethics, and prioritize the direct, public, free, confidential, honest, and fair principles," he said.
Justice Anwar also explained that election organizers must not be involved in practical politics. In addition, they must provide socialization of politics to the public. "Socialization is mainly aimed at new voters, for the elections. Hopefully, Indonesia will win, there will be no conflict, and good leaders will be elected," he concluded. (Bayu/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Monday, February 11, 2019 | 12:46 WIB 167