INTRAC Learns SIKD with Constitutional Court

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah welcoming INTRAC Chief Secretary Rinardi and colleagues, Thursday (7/2) in the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.

The Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC) visited the Constitutional Court on Thursday morning (7/2/2019) in the Meeting Room of the Constitutional Court. The INTRAC delegates led by Chief Secretary Rinardi were welcomed by Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah as well as the Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau Heru Setiawan, Head of the Planning and Oversight Bureau Tatang Garjito, Head of the General Bureau Mulyono, Inspector Pawit Haryanto, and several IT and archive staff members. Rinardi stated that his visit was to learn the implementation of the Regional Financial Information System (SIKD) in the Registrar’s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court.

Guntur said that the Court applied SIKD learned from the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) since 2017. However, he added, several changes were made by the Constitutional Court to suit the needs of the Court. Some of the changes made are features of official text drafts, integration of letter numbers, and certification of digital signatures. “We developed an SIKD application tailored to the Court’s needs,” he said.

Guntur also shared experiences regarding obstacles during the implementation of the SIKD at the outset. One of the biggest obstacles to implementing SIKD was the mindset of employees who had not yet believed in the success of the SIKD that would reduce paper use. He talked about digital signatures whose legal authenticity is still questioned. However, Guntur added, as time went by, the application had begun to be used by each working unit. “Basically learning by doing, all problems were overcome. Thank God, now [we] are used to using the SIKD,” he said.

Guntur also mentioned the great impact of the SIKD on the Court. One of the advantages of the SIKD is the use of less paper. Document search is also faster. It also minimizes piles on desks. “In addition, the SIKD provides ease of control on letters to follow up and on monitoring the follow-up on letters. It used to be physical work, but now it is smart work,” he said.

Guntur said that the Court collaborated with the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) on the certification of digital signatures. The Court used a BSSN-owned server to ensure the authenticity of the documents sent through the SIKD.

In the two years of its use in the Registrar’s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court, 12,063 proposals; 99,763 follow-up letters, and 12,936 digital files were uploaded in the system, with 361 active users.

Rinardi said that Guntur’s explanation exceeded his expectations. He thanked the Court for sharing its experience in using the SIKD. He explained that INTRAC was a small institution working with millions of transaction, where the SIKD can make effective and efficient use of time and human resources in handling those transactions. “The SIKD facilitate the process of analyzing data of the reporter, if there is an analysis that cannot be implemented it can be processed to law enforcement officials,” said Rinardi.

Guntur also said that not all financial files, such as receipts, were digitalized. However, he had ensured that the Constitutional Court had digitalized petitions or files for handling cases with the coordination of the Audit Board (BPK). “If the Audit Board intends to conduct an examination on the handling of petitions, the Court will provide access for the Board,” he explained.

The SIKD application supports the Government\'s National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) program in the framework of e-Government, that is, the management of orderly electronic records in ministries/central and regional state institutions, universities, and state-/region-owned enterprises (BUMN/BUMD). In addition, this application is very important as the heart of documenting information records in each institution, and it is very important to be implemented for managing records. The SIKD application has been widely used by ministries/state institutions, universities, and state-/region-owned enterprises, and provincial and district/municipal archive institutions. (Lulu Anjarsari/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Thursday, February 07, 2019 | 17:46 WIB 316