Handover of position of 2019 Court Registrar from Kasianur Sidauruk to Muhidin, Thursday (31/1) at the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie.
Transfer and rotation is common in organizations in the effort to rejuvenate the members. This was conveyed by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman in his speech during the inauguration of the Court of officials at the Courtroom Hall of the Constitutional Court on Thursday (31/1/2019).
Justice Anwar further said that the officials being transferred should not read more into the transfer and rotation because they are for the improvement of the organization. Therefore, the mandate of the new positions shall be accounted for not only to the superiors, the state, but also to God.
“How to carry out the duties optimally. [The rotation] is to improve your knowledge and insight,” said Anwar in the presence of Constitutional Justices di Isra, Arief Hidayat, I Dewa Gede Palguna, Suhartoyo, Enny Nurbaningsih, Expert Staff of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Janedjri M. Gaffar, Secretary General of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Noor Sidharta, as well as heads of centers and departments within the Constitutional Court.
The pronouncement of oath of office of the Constitutional Court officials were carried out according to the Presidential Decree No. 3/M/2019 on the Dismissal and Appointment of Registrar\'s Office staff in the Registrar\'s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court. Muhidin, formerly Junior Registrar I, replaced Court Registrar Kasianur Sidauruk, who went into retirement.
Based on the Decree of the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court No. 9/2019 on the Transfer of First Class Senior Officials in the Secretariat General and Registrar\'s Office of the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court swore in Court officials. They are Rubiyo as Head of the Center for Research, Case Review, and Library; Mulyono as Head of the General Bureau; Pawit Haryanto as Inspector; Budi Achmad Djohari as Head of the Center for Information Technology; Tatang Garjito as Head of the Planning and Oversight Bureau; Wiryanto as Head of the Legal and Registrar Administration Bureau; Teguh Wahyudi as Head of the Human Resources and Organization Bureau; Kurniasih Panti Rahayu as Head of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center; and Heru Setiawan as Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau.
Retirement Ceremony
Aside from inaugurating officials, the Constitutional Court also held a retirement ceremony for two officials, that is, Court Registrar Kasianur Sidauruk and Head of the Program and Training Center Management Department Paiyo at the Ground Floor Hall of the Constitutional Court. Kasianur expressed his thanks to the Chief Justices and Deputy Chief Justices since 2003 to 2018, all Constitutional Justices, Secretaries General for 2004–2015 and the current one, as well as all Court employees, especially in the Registrar’s Office. He said that during his time in office as a civil servant in the judiciary, he had gained a lot of knowledge and experience from many outstanding people.
“Since stepping into the Constitutional Court, [I] gained a lot of knowledge from the Chief Justices and Deputy Chief Justices as well as Constitutional Justices who had given a lot of guidance on the court administration. Therefore, I thank all of you. You are all great, capable, and professional in carrying out your duties and responsibilities. [I] am who [I] am not for my own [capability], but thanks to the coordination cooperation of fellow [employees] in performing duties,” said Kasianur, who had served in the judiciary and law since 1983.
In addition, Kasianur hoped that the Constitutional Court would keep growing as a judiciary that can maintain public trust in every decision it passes. To fellow Court employees, he advised that they continue to compete to do their best for the progress of the Constitutional Court as a modern and trusted judiciary.
At the end of the event, Kasianur handed the Registrar\'s Performance Accountability Report to the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman and handed over his position to Muhidin, new Registrar of the 2019 Period. (Sri Pujianti/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Friday, February 01, 2019 | 07:51 WIB 149