Deputy Chief Justice: Law Enforcers Need Synergy

Deputy Chief Justice Aswanto officially closing the Technical Assistance of the 2019 Legislative and Presidential/Vice Presidential Elections Results Dispute Settlement Case (PHPU) for Advocates Class I, Wednesday (23/1) in the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, Bogor. Photo by Humas MK/Hamdi Vigo.

Deputy Chief Justice Aswanto officially closed the Technical Assistance of the 2019 Legislative and Presidential/Vice Presidential Elections Results Dispute Settlement Case (PHPU) for Advocates Class I, Wednesday (23/1) in the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, Bogor. In his speech, he said that fellow law enforcers must have synergy. Not to mention advocates, who are the pillar of law enforcement. “The pillars of law enforcement must have synergy in order to create just law and lawful justice,” he said on Wednesday (23/1/2019).

He added that the Constitutional Court builds synergy with all law enforcers, including advocates. This is so that fellow law enforcers will share the same perception, and because advocates are one of the Court’s partners. “So in the future we will be able to carry out legislative and presidential elections smoothly,” he said.

Justice Aswanto also explained that the Constitutional Court, who “serves” justice seekers, always strive to offer the best services in order to assist and facilitate all components of the community in seeking justice. Therefore, the Court is tasked with deciding on regional head election cases. However, he added, the Court also faces difficulties because it is not an authority granted by the Constitution.

“Regional head election is actually not the authority of the Constitutional Court. However, members of the Commission III of the House of Representatives believed that the Court was able to handle it. In addition, the public also did until the establishment of a special agency to handle regional head election,” said Justice Aswanto.

Justice Aswanto also hoped that in the 2019 Legislative and Presidential Elections, all would share the same perception and that the Court would be able to offer the best services in order to achieve democratic, direct, open, confidential, truthful, and fair general elections. “We don’t want to break the people’s trust just because of one person. So, if someone makes a mistake and is caught, the Secretary General and Chief Justice will immediately take action to dismiss the employee," he asserted before the participants.

The three-day event left an impression in the participants. Ferari Chairperson Teguh Samudera expressed his gratitude to the Court that always held this event. "I am very grateful and always feel proud because we were made a Court\'s partner to guard the law and seek justice for the Indonesian people and nation. In addition, the facilities [and services] provided by the Court are truly extraordinary, "he said. (Panji Erawan/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Thursday, January 24, 2019 | 15:27 WIB 146