Secretary General of the Constitutional Court M. Guntur Hamzah symbolically received Government Credit Card from the Head of Jakarta Veteran BRI Branch Jon Sarjono, Tuesday (8/1) in the Delegation Room of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
In order to support the Government\'s program for payment of state expenditures, Secretary General of the Constitutional Court M. Guntur Hamzah symbolically received Government Credit Cards from BRI to users of the Constitutional Court budget, from the Head of Jakarta Veteran BRI Branch Jon Sarjono on Tuesday (01/08/2019) in the Delegation Room of the Constitutional Court.
This agenda was guided by the Regulation of the Director General of Treasury Number Per-17/PB/2017 on Trial of Payment by Credit Card in the Use of Inventory Money. As of January 2019, the Constitutional Court also uses corporate credit cards to carry out financial administration.
"In order to support inventory budget to officials to carry out financial administration, this is BRI\'s mandate to the Constitutional Court. For the card holders, this mandate is a challenge, so it must be used well," Guntur explained in the presence of the Head of the Financial Planning Bureau of the Constitutional Court Pawit Hariyanto, as well as heads of centers and heads of bureaus within the Court.
Guntur wished that this government credit card program would help overcome cash limit, especially for down payments in case of official duties. In addition, he also Guntur also advised the officials holding the government credit cards not to use it for personal use. "The professionalism of working and interpreting the interests of the institution to be urgently resolved in the form of payment is the main use of this corporate credit card," said Guntur.
Jon Sarjono, in his speech, said that the cooperation between the Constitutional Court and BRI had been running in various sectors, one of which was by entrusting a cash office catering for the banking services of the Constitutional Court. The cooperation in procuring this government credit card, Jon added, is to support the government program especially for holders of budget allocations in terms of transactions and security enhancements.
"We also offer this program to other agencies since 2018. And starting from 2019, the Constitutional Court applies [this] government credit card. Thus, BRI will continue to improve services so that future cooperation will be further enhanced in a better direction," Jon said before officials of BRI Jakarta Veteran region. (Sri Pujianti/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Tuesday, January 08, 2019 | 17:15 WIB 169