DKPP Head Harjono symbolically presented the 2018 Performance Report to the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman, Tuesday (18/12) in Ancol, North Jakarta. Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman delivered an address at the 2018 Performance Report of the Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP) in Ancol, North Jakarta on Tuesday (18/12). Present at the event were central and regional election organizers, election stakeholders, Regional Evaluation Team of the General Elections Commission (KPU), the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), election observers, and the community.
Chief Justice Anwar said that the performance report was an event of self-reflection, especially for DKPP commissioners, as it was a form of public accountability of the institution to the community.
DKPP Head Harjono affirmed, “Code of ethics is a way of life for election organizers. It is the guidance for election organizers in carrying out their duties.” He also explained that election organizers uphold a code of ethics that indicates commitment to control oneself according to the profession. He said that election organizers must understand and follow the code of ethics and be independent and maintain integrity. “KPU and Bawaslu must be honest and fair,” he added.
KPU Chairman Arief Budiman said that in throughout the year, election organizers have collaborated well. “Synergy among [election] organizers is highly important in the face of the [complicated electoral stages]. Consolidation and coordination must continue be built,” he concluded. (Bayu/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Tuesday, December 18, 2018 | 19:24 WIB 139