Photo session with Chief Justice Anwar Usman and Bawaslu Chairman Abhan in the Technical Assistance Program on the Procedural Law of the 2019 Elections Results Dispute Resolution for Bawaslu Class III, Wednesday (21/11) at the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, Cisarua, Bogor. Photo by Humas MK/Agung Penyok.
The Technical Assistance Program on the Procedural Law of the 2019 Elections Results Dispute Resolution for Bawaslu Class III was held in preparation for the complex 2019 Elections. In these elections, the Constitutional Court and Bawaslu both guard the democracy, albeit in different contexts.
Chief Justice Anwar said before 141 participants from nine provinces, that this role determines the success of the elections. Bawaslu starts the process by monitoring the candidacy and the voters, while the Court handles the end of the process.
Talking about the success of election result dispute resolution, he said that it depends on all stakeholders, where Bawaslu must be a fair judge who conducts strict and objective monitoring the implementation of the elections. Bawaslu is expected to maintain its integrity because any mistake could result in devastating results.
He hoped that the technical assistance program will help Bawaslu members prepare for Court hearings. The three-day event will present materials from speakers from the KPU, Bawaslu as well as constitutional justices, Constitutional Court substitute registrars and researchers on The Issues and Mechanism of Supervisory and Resolution of 2019 Election Disputes, Potential Problems in the Implementation of the 2019 PHPU, The Procedural Law of the 2019 PHPU, The Mechanism, Stages, and Activities of the 2019 PHPU, as well as Techniques and Practice of Drafting Bawaslu Statement. (Agung/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Thursday, November 22, 2018 | 17:00 WIB 183