Secretary General: Integrity Must Be Realized

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah delivering his address in the opening of the Workshop on Developing Generation of Integrity and Socialization of Gratuity Control, Whistle-blowing System (WBS), Community Complaints, and Conflicts of Interest on Thursday (15/11) in Bekasi, West Java. Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.

The Constitutional Court held an event for developing a culture of integrity entitled “Workshop on Developing Generation of Integrity and Socialization of Gratuity Control, Whistle-blowing System (WBS), Community Complaints, and Conflicts of Interest” in Bekasi, West Java. The event that took place on Thursday (15/11/2018) was attended by 169 participants who are civil servants (PNS), probationary civil servants (CPNS), and non-civil servant government employees (PPNPN) in the Registrar’s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court.

In his address, Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah said that program, that had been held for the third time, is the Court’s effort to develop a culture of integrity in the Court. He also said that all staff of the Court must make integrity, transparency, and accountability a culture. Integrity, he added, is not dependent on position, power, and official title, but must be instilled within one’s own personality. In addition, he said, integrity is a means for leading and increasing a leader’s credibility in the eye of their subordinates. "The level of integrity of a person is directly proportional to their position, the higher their position the greater the level of challenges to their integrity," he said.

Therefore, Guntur added, as an opportunity to realize integrity with good actions and values. "The problem is not ignorance of integrity, as everyone certainly understands the culture of integrity. The problem is how to implement this culture of integrity," he said. 

Guntur said that efforts to control gratuity require firm commitment to self-control over any gift related to official position or conflict of interest. Society and stakeholders play a role in controlling gratuity in order to prevent corruption. At the end of his address, he hoped that gratuity control is not just a discourse, but is really executed.

Manifestation of Culture of Integrity 

Constitutional Court Inspector Tatang Garjito in his report said that this workshop is an effort to realize integrity to refuse gratuity transparently and accountably. He hoped that all staff will uphold the values of integrity and help eradicate corruption. (Bayu/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Friday, November 16, 2018 | 11:04 WIB 139