Students of SMP Insan Cendekia Madani visiting the Constitutional Court, Friday (16/11) in the Delegation Room. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
98 students of SMP Insan Cendekia Madani visited the Constitutional Court, Friday (16/11/2018) to know more about the Court. They were welcomed by Substitute Registrar Hani Adhani in the Delegation Room.
Hani explained that the Court has nine justices. “Three of them are nominated by the President, three by the House of Representatives (DPR), and three others by the Supreme Court,” she elaborated. She also detailed four authorities and one obligation of the Court granted by the 1945 Constitution. The authorities are the judicial review of laws against the 1945 Constitution, the resolution of interagency authority dispute, the resolution of legislative and presidential election result dispute, and the dissolution of political parties. One obligation granted to the Court is deciding on the House’s opinion of alleged violation committed by the president and/or vice president. “Impeachment and party dissolution petitions have never been received by the Court. The most common cases are judicial review cases,” she said.
She said that the Court strives to become a modern, accountable judiciary. Modern refer to modern organization and management, supported by technology-based facilities and infrastructure. Accountable refers to efforts to realize judicial management that is in accordance with the law and justice.
She then showed the official website of the Court, where the public can access information on the hearings, decisions, court transcripts, and profiles of the justices. “In addition to a website, the Court also has the Klik MK application that can be downloaded on to android devices,” she said.
Concluding the presentation, Hani said that the Constitutional Court holds hearings effectively and efficiently. In addition, its decisions can be accessed by the public around 15 minutes after the case is decided. (Arif S./LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Friday, November 16, 2018 | 11:23 WIB 580