Constitutional Court Awards PPKn Teachers and the Press

Chief Justice Anwar Usman presenting an award to the 2018 National Outstanding PPKn Teacher, Friday (9/11) at the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, Cisarua, Bogor. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.

On Friday (9/11/2018) at the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, Bogor, the Constitutional Court presented Constitution Awards to the 2018 National Outstanding PPKn Teacher and to the Press and the 2018 Best Opinion Writers.

In his address, Chief Justice Anwar Usman expressed his appreciation for the noble profession of teachers, who not only teach but also educate students. “PPKn teachers serve to maintain the Constitution and Pancasila in the nation,” he said.

Anwar explained that the Constitution Awards for PPKn teachers and the press is the Court’s appreciation and respect for the education of the young generations about Pancasila and the Constitution. He said that both professions played a great role in spreading knowledge and improving understanding the Constitution to the public. The press has a strategic role and moral responsibility as the fourth pillar of the state to educate the public amidst the spread of bad behavior in the digital era. The press, he said, also guard the Constitution, democracy, and the enforcement of law in society.

He encouraged the press to not only think about ratings. He said that objective, educative, inspirational, and peaceful news will contribute to the realization of state ideals as contained in the Constitution. “However, provoking, subjective, and divisive news will bring harm to us. The tagline ‘bad news is good news’ should be abandoned for ‘how to make inspiring news,’” he said.

Important Role

In his address, Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah explained that Pancasila is a set of philosophical values that holistically form the basic ideas of concepts and principles in the life of society, nation, and state. Meanwhile, the Constitution is a set of basic rules for managing the state in order to create prosperous nation and state. However, he added, Pancasila and the Constitution had new external and internal challenges, giving rise to many conflicts in parts of the archipelago.

Guntur also explained that PPKn teachers hold a vital role in instilling national values for students, which requires renewal and creativity. They cannot rely solely on old ways to deliver materials, but must present fresh narratives, methods, and innovations. Another important pillar in promoting Pancasila and the Constitution is the press. The press is very important in building people\'s insight and knowledge, especially to build a culture of the Pancasila and the Constitution within society. Therefore, the Court felt the need to appreciate those parties by organizing the 2018 Constitution Awards.

Nine Outstanding PPKn Teachers were selected in 2018. At elementary level, Aini Rizqoh from SDN 3 Girimoyo Malang won first place; Hendrik Hermawan from SDN I Wirosari Grobogan won second place; while Harsiana Wardani from SDN Ngrukeman Bantul took third place. At secondary level, Sri Dewi Rokhimah from SMPN I South Kuta won first place; Asep Sutisna Putra from SMPN 17 Tasikmalaya won second place; and Haryanto from SMPN 10 Depok placed third. At high secondary level, Derry Nodyanto from SMAN I Pemali won first place; Diyah Lusiana from SMKN I Pekalongan placed second; and Nurokhmah dari MAN 3 Bantul placed third.

Awards for the Press

On the occasion, the Court also presented awards to the press and writers of best opinion pieces for the support, cooperation, and well-established partnership between the Constitutional Court and national media as well as between the press and the public. News coverage of the court proceedings and non-court activities related to Pancasila, the Constitution and the Constitutional were assessed.

Kompas won the 2018 Best Media Award, while the 2018 Best Opinion Writers were Trisno S. Sutanto (“Constitutional Test”, Kompas, April 17, 2019), Titi Anggraini (“Justice of Political Parties Verification,” Sindo Daily, January 12, 2018), Zainal Arifin Mochtar “Compromising Decision” (Kompas, February 12, 2018) who won 20 million, 17 million, and 12 million prizes respectively, before tax. (Lulu Anjarsari/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Monday, November 12, 2018 | 12:11 WIB 177