Launch of Five Books by Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra

Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra launched five new books on constitutionalism coinciding with his 50th birthday in Andalas University (Unand) Padang, West Sumatera, Thursday (8/11).

The five books are titled “Pemilu dan Pemulihan Daulat Rakyat” (“The Elections and the Recovery of People’s Sovereignty”), “Konstitusi untuk Negeri” (“Constitution for the Nation”), “Pergeseran Fungsi Legislasi” (“Functional Shift of the Legislation”), “Living and Evolving Constitution of Indonesia,” dan “Sistem Pemerintahan Indonesia” (The Government System of Indonesia).

Justice Saldi requested that the first-term former Constitutional Justice Jimly Asshidiqie speak about books and civilization. The constitutional law expert Jimly Asshidiqie said that writing leaves a legacy to the world that will be read and memorized by the people. He said that the Constitutional Court and books are inseparable, and that books and civilization similarly are. Therefore, the Constitution, books, and civilization are a component making up the changes of a nation.

In his address, Chief Justice Anwar Usman said recounted Justice Saldi’s story of being lost onto the right path. His initial dream might not have come true, but God had plans for him to become a constitutional justice. As a constitutional justice, his contribution to justice is much more concrete.

Justice Anwar also said that law scholars and enthusiasts, law academics and practitioners, all are needed in building a better civilization. History has taught us that justice for all mankind must be pursued. Therefore, the Indonesian dream of a rule of law is realized by achieving justice and welfare for all Indonesians.

Also present during the launch were Constitutional Justices I Dewa Gede Palguna, Manahan Sitompul, and Suhartoyo, as well as Head of UGM\'s Centre for Anti-corruption Studies Zainal Arifin Mochtar, West Sumatera Chief Police Inspector Gen. Fakhrizal, and constitutional law expert Refly Harun. (Utami/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Friday, November 09, 2018 | 16:00 WIB 191