Chief Justice Anwar Usman presenting a rolling trophy to students of Padjajaran University in the 2018 Constitutional Court Chief Justice Cup of the Constitutional Moot Court Competition, Saturday (27/10) at Graha Swara Building of Tarumanegara University, Jakarta. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
Padjajaran University (Unpad) won the 2018 Constitutional Court Chief Justice Cup of the Constitutional Moot Court Competition organized by the Constitutional Court and Tarumanagara University (Untar) after beating out the North Sumatra University (2nd winner) and Lampung University (3rd winner) in the final on “Are Article 7 and Article 17 of the Law on Public Housing Savings (Tapera) contrary to Article 28H Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia?” on Saturday evening (27/10/2018). Lampung University won Best Petitioner and Document, while Padjajaran University won Best Statement and Expert.
The winners were announced by legal practitioner Firman Wijaya who was part of the jury. In the panel of honor jury for the final were University of Indonesia Law Professor Maria Farida Indrati, Former Constitutional Justice Maruarar Siahaan, Untar Professor Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, constitutional law expert Yuliandri, law observer Munir Fuady, Head of the Public Relations and Domestic Cooperation Department Fajar Laksono, Untar Law Faculty Dean Ahmad Sudiro, as well as Untar law lecturers Dwi Andayani and Cut Memi.
At the closing ceremony, Chief Justice Anwar Usman stressed that the winners of this competition were the best of the best. He applauded them for their performance and expressed his hope that they would grow to be professional, credible legal experts in the near future. However, he said that the competition was not focused on winners but on instilling constitutional values among participants. He hoped that it would pave the way to improved constitutional awareness.
Head of Public Relations and Protocol Department Rubiyo said that the event is an annual routine that displays productive, effective collaboration between the Constitutional Court and Tarumanagara University. He said that the competition is a medium for university students to improve skills in building argument as well as to make their voices heard. He hoped that students would learn from the competition and use it to prepare for their futures. Tarumanagara University Rector Agustinus Purna Irawan applauded the participants of the competition and hoped to that they would go on to be legal figures in Indonesia. (Bayu/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Monday, October 29, 2018 | 15:12 WIB 165