Awareness of Constitutional Rights for Moot Court Delegates

Constitutional Court researcher Anna Triningsih delivering a presentation to the participants of the 2018 Constitutional Court Chief Justice Cup of the Constitutional Moot Court Competition, a collaborative program between the Court and Tarumanagara University on Wednesday (24/10) in the 4th Floor Delegation Room of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.

The Constitutional Court organized a Program for Improving Citizens’ Understanding of Constitutional Rights for 12 Delegates who went to the national 2018 Constitutional Court Chief Justice Cup of the Constitutional Moot Court Competition, a collaborative program between the Court and Tarumanagara University on Wednesday (24/10/2018) in the 4th Floor Delegation Room of the Constitutional Court.

Three speakers delivered presentations during the event: Fajar Laksono on “Re-actualization and Implementation of Pancasila Values,” Pan Mohamad Faiz on “Constitution and Constitutionalism,” and Anna Triningsih on “The Constitutional Court in the Constitutional System.”

Fajar Laksono elaborated four Pancasila guiding principles of the law: Indonesian law must have purpose and guarantee national integration both territorial and ideological, the law must develop democracy and nomocracy, the law must build social justice, and the law must develop religious and civilized tolerance. He also explained that Pancasila as a legal framework of the Indonesian law must be the fundamental ethos of the legal practices of prioritizing truthfulness, promoting responsibility, adhering to principles, keeping promises, siding with truth, upholding justice, and complying with the rules. Concluding his presentation, Fajar stressed that the moot court competition was not about winning or losing, but about learning. 

Pan Mohamad Faiz said that the objective of the Constitution is the principal objective of the law, which encompasses justice, balance, propriety, and fairness. Faiz quoted Jimly Asshiddiqie that the objective of the Constitution is to achieve justice, order, and the realization of ideal values. He added that the basic principles of state administration must be based on the principle of divinity, supremacy of the Constitution, ideals of the rule of law, and notion of popular sovereignty and democracy.

Anna Triningsih stated that the Constitutional Court is an independent judiciary that enforces the law and justice, which was established to guarantee the upholding of the Constitution as the highest law of the land. She said that today the Constitutional Court is equal to the Supreme Court within the Indonesian administration. In addition to reviewing laws against the Constitution, the Constitutional Court also interprets the Constitution.

She also detailed four authorities and one obligation of the Court granted by the 1945 Constitution. The authorities are the judicial review of laws against the 1945 Constitution, the resolution of interagency authority dispute, the resolution of legislative and presidential election result dispute, and the dissolution of political parties. One obligation granted to the Court is deciding on the House’s opinion of alleged violation committed by the president and/or vice president. (Bayu Wicaksono/NRA/Yuniar Widiastuti)

Thursday, October 25, 2018 | 07:57 WIB 215