Junior Registrar Muhidin handing over donation for Lombok earthquake victims on behalf of the Constitutional Court, Wednesday (15/8). Photo by Humas MK.
The Constitutional Court (MK) handed over donation to the amount of Rp70,361,583 for the victims of Lombok earthquake on July 29, 2018 through humanitarian organization Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT). "We hope that this donation can be utilized well for earthquake victims in Lombok," said Junior Registrar Muhidin alongside Junior Librarian Hanindyo and Head of Verification Department Maria Ulfah Kusumaastuti when meeting ACT delegation who came to the Court, Wednesday afternoon (15/8/2018).
ACT Head of Partnership Catur Widodo and Head of Executive Partnership Panca Irawan explained that the dpmaopm from the Constitutional Court will be used for logistics for earthquake victims and infrastructure recovery at the disaster site. "This includes the provision of clean water and recovery in Lombok. Even ACT will assist earthquake victims until recovery process in Lombok," added Panca, who made a presentation at the Constitutional Court regarding ACT activities for Lombok earthquake victims.
Panca explained, in dealing with the victims of the Lombok earthquake, ACT carries out a number of phases. First is the emergency response. ACT is ready to conduct emergency response for the next 6 months. ACT branches in Java have sent logistics to Lombok. Entering the second phase of recovery, ACT is ready to improve the psychological conditions of victims.
In the third phase, reconstruction, ACT will help rebuilding collapsed houses, mosques, madrasahs (Islamic schools), and schools. "At a minimum, ACT will build 1,000 shelters in the regencies of North Lombok and East Lombok," said Panca. "In addition, we will repair and build houses of worship that have collapsed," said Catur.
At present, victims of the Lombok earthquake still assistance in the form of, among others, food, blankets, medicine, baby food. (Nano Tresna Arfana/LA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 | 15:08 WIB 161