The Makassar mayoral election won by an empty column against candidate pair Munafri Arifuddin-Andi Rahmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu), prompting losing pair to file a petition to the Constitutional Court (MK), Tuesday (10/7).
The Petitioner\'s attorney Muhammada Rulyandi stated that the vote margin between the Petitionerand the empty column was more than 0.5 percent or 36,550 votes. The empty column received 300,795 votes and the Petitioner 264,245 votes. "However, I request that the Constitutional Court override Article 158 paragraph 2 of the Election Law because a lot of violations happened," he said.
He alleged that Makassar Mayor Ramdhan Pomanto had socialized the empty column in a structured, systematic, and massive (TSM) manner, thus damaging the democratic process. In addition, he said, there were 120,000 double voters in the final voters list (DPT), which harmed the Petitioner.
Initially, the Makassar City Election was contested by two candidate pairs: Munafri Arifuddin-Andi Rahmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu) and Ramdhan Pomanto-Indira Mulyasari Paramastuti (DiaMi). However, the Supreme Court (MA) disqualified the DiaMi pair so that Appi-Cicu pair contested with an empty column.
The DiaMi pair also filed a petition to the Court. In their petitum, they request to be re-included as a candidate pair in the election as well as a revote in Makassar City.
Invalid Recapitulation
Meanwhile, a candidate pair of South Sumatra governor-vice governor Dodi Reza Alex Noerdin-Giri Ramanda Kiemas alleged that the results of vote recapitulation in Palembang City and Muara Enim Regency were invalid because the polling committee (PPS) and the sub-district election committee (PPK) in the two cities did not have valid letters of appointment.
"This means that the vote counting process in two regions is invalid because the PPS and PPK do not have legal standing to recapitulate votes," said the Petitioner\'s legal counsel Sulastrianah.
As of Wednesday, July 11, 2018, the Constitutional Court has received 49 petitions. They came from Tegal City, Parepare City, Gorontalo City, Madiun City, Bangkalan Regency 1, Bangkalan Regency 2, North Bolaang Mongondouw Regency, Biak Numfor Regency, Cirebon City, Donggala Regency, Serang City, Bekasi City, Pinrang Regency, Banyuasin Regency, Subang Regency, North Tapanuli Regency, Padang Panjang Regency, Sinjai Regency, Subulussalam Regency, Rote Ndao Regency (two petitions), Belitung Regency, Tabalong Regency, Bogor Regency, Makassar City, Talaud Islands Regency, Lahat Regency, Mamberamo Regency, Deiyai Regency, North Maluku Province, Maluku Province, and South Sumatra Province. (ARS/LA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 | 08:27 WIB 189