Orientation for 2017 Candidate Civil Servants: Introduction to Constitutional Court

Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau Rubiyo speaking at 2017 Candidate Civil Servant Orientation, Friday (12/1) at the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.

Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau Rubiyo started training for 61 candidate civil servants (CPNS) in the Registrar’s Office and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court on Friday (12/1/2018). He asked an opening question to find out the recruits’ knowledge of the Constitutional Court, "How did you find out about the Constitutional Court and what is your opinion of the Constitutional Court?"

A recruit said that she found out about the Constitutional Court from its website and from the media. Rubiyo then introduced the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau for introducing the Court to the public, its courtroom and non-courtroom activities, as well as its collaboration with both national and international institutions.

Rubiyo explained “The Main Duties and Functions of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau” as well as the structure and organization of the Court. Now also under purview of the bureau is the Joint Permanent Secretariat for Planning and Coordination of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts (AACC), which the Constitutional Court organizes along with the Constitutional Courts of South Korea and Turkey.

For Safe Court Proceedings 

Next, Head of the General Bureau Pawit Haryanto and Head of the Equipment Department Mundiri talked about “The Main Duties and Functions of the General Bureau.” Pawit explained that the General Bureau was tasked with management, internal security, and equipment. He said that bad experiences had led the Court to provide tighter security so that the court proceedings run more safely conducively.

Researchers and Case Progress

Head of the Center for Research, Case Review, and Library Management Wiryanto explained the main functions and duties of his center, previously known as Center for Research and Case Review, Information Technology and Communication Management (P4TIK), along with researcher and Head of the Research and Case Review Department Fajar Laksono.

Wiryanto said that P4TIK works closely with the constitutional justices in handling review of cases, which is the main duty of researchers. Therefore, he added, researchers must closely follow the hearings and study the fields of studies relating to cases that the Court handles.

Registrar Kasianur Sidauruk introduced the Registrar’s Office main duties and functions. With Head of the Program and Implementation Division Iman Sudirman, Kasianur said that his department deals with management of clerical administration, court facilities and services, case and decision data processing, minutes and decision services, advocacy and litigation, regulations, and decision monitoring and evaluation.

Budi Achmad Djohari, Head of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, which is located in Cisarua, talks about his center along with the Sub-Division Head of the Implementation of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center Ardiansyah Salim. The center provides training on Pancasila and the Constitution for the public.

The program, which had run for two days, was closed by the Head of the Human Resources and Financial Affairs Mulyono at the Constitutional Court hall. (Sri Pujianti/LA)

Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti

Monday, January 15, 2018 | 12:31 WIB 178