Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, interviewed by the electronic media after the hearing on Government\'s information related to the judicial review of the Law on General Elections on Monday (25/9) at the Constitutional Court Building. Photo by PR/Ifa.
The Government, represented by the Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo, gave a statement regarding the judicial review of Law No. 7/2017 on General Elections on Monday (25/9) afternoon. The third session for six cases (Case No. 44, 53, 59, 60, 61, and 62/PUU-XV/2017) was held at the Plenary Hall of the Constitutional Court.
In his statement in response to the differences between the old and new political parties that would have to go through verification process as argued by the Indonesian Solidarity Party or PSI (Case No. 60/PUU-XV/2017) and the Islam Damai Aman Party atau Idaman Party (Case No. 53/PUU-XV/2017), the Government stated that the verification process conducted by the General Elections Commission (KPU) is in conformity with Article 173 paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) juncto Article 173 paragraph (1). This article means that the parties eligible to participate in the elections are those that had followed a series of stages and passed verification.
"This is important to improve the quality of the elections. How many votes there are, and how many seats at each level, starting from the district, city, province, to central. This is ultimately determined by the people’s voice," Tjahjo said in the presence of the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Arief Hidayat, as chairman of the hearing, and other Constitutional Justices.
Tjahjo also added that essentially all parties who would participate in the elections must go through verification. The difference between the old and new election participating parties argued by the Petitioners is not a form of intentional injustice, but rather for the acceleration of the verification process.
"The Government needs to inform that in the previous elections there were about 73 parties that had legal entities, but only a few who passed the verification. There were also parties that did not receive seats in the House of Representatives (DPR), but there were among those political parties that then got votes and seats in the Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) for membership throughout Indonesia," added Tjahjo.
In his affirmation, Tjahjo said that the old political parties or parties that had passed the 2014 elections verification would still go through re-verification, but not a detailed one. This is done for high budgetary efficiency to undertake verification and time effectiveness such highly detailed verification stages.
In addition, the Government also responded to Effendi Ghazali\'s petition (Case No. 59/PUU-XV/2017) by stating that the elections were the pillar of democracy so that it was expected that through them, a trustworthy government capable of realizing these ideals would be created. Thus, Tjahjo continued, it was necessary for the community to be involved in maintaining the quality of elections by implementing effective and efficient elections in accordance with the existing law including those set forth in the a quo article.
Women\'s Representation
In relation to women\'s representation in the elections argued by the United Indonesia Party (Perindo), the Government was of the opinion that it was sufficiently stipulated in the General Elections Law. He stated that the representation emphasized by the Government was not only the status of women themselves as representatives of their kind, but also the importance of maintaining and viewing women in their capacity as legislators, from district to central levels.
In line with this, the Government also responded to the argument of Case No. 61/PUU-XV/2017 on Aceh’s special status that also has an Independent Elections Commission. The Government considered the revocation of Article 57 and Article 60 paragraphs (1) and (4) of Law No. 11/2006 on the Government of Aceh was to prevent dualism of elections in Aceh.
"This does not diminish the Aceh’s special status. This is merely to strengthen Aceh\'s Independent Elections Commission and its instruments. The Government is very appreciative of the efforts made by the community in participating to realize the consolidation stage of democracy. This will be a reference for the Government. On that basis, between the Government and the public there must be good communication in order to build better lives by realizing the nation’s ideals in accordance with the mandate of the fourth paragraph of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution," Tjahjo explained.
At the end of his statement, Tjahjo mentioned that successful elections were judged from four things: increased public participation, zero money politics, zero campaigns involving provocation or SARA (tribal affiliations, religion, race, and societal groups), and competitive concepts and programs to accelerate the progress of society and the common good.
Before ending the hearing, Arief also stated that the agenda of the next hearing is to listen to the statements of the House of Representatives and Relevant Party. The hearing is scheduled to take place on Thursday, October 5, 2017.
(Sri Pujianti/LA/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 | 09:42 WIB 114