Deny Setya Good Yuherawan, the Petitioner’s attorney, presenting the main points of the revised petition of the Local Government Law judicial review, Monday (31/7) at the Plenary Hall of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas/Ganie.
The judicial review of Article 35 paragraph (4) letter a of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on the Regional Government was held for the second time by the Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (31/7) at the Plenary Hall. The agenda of hearing of case No. 34/PUU-XV/2017 is an improvement of the petition.
The Petitioner\\'s attorney Deny Setya Bagus Yuherawan presented the improvement points in the presence of the panel of judges headed by Constitutional Judge Aswanto. He explained the addition as the object of review, namely Article 34 paragraph (2) letter d concerning the phrase \\'territorial coverage.’
"We’re changing and adding a petitum. In addition, we have also removed the Trunojoyo University logo in the application file," he explained.
Before the hearing ended, Deny repeated the case resume to provide a brief explanation to the Madurese community leaders who also witnessed the hearing.
The Petitioner in this case consisted of regional heads in Madura, namely Bangkalan Regent Muhammad Makmun, Sampang Deputy Regent Fadhilah Budiono, Pamekasan Regent Achmad Syafii, and Sumenep Regent Busyro Karim as 1st Petitioner. In addition, the 1st Petitioner also consisted of the Chairmen of the Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) of a number of districts, that is, Imron Rosyadi from Bangkalan District, Imam Ubaidillah from Sampang District, Halili from Pamekasan District, and Herman Dali Kusuma from Sumenep District.
The 2nd Petitioner II consisted of Chairman of the Madura Cleric Alliance (AUMA) Ali Karrar Shinhaji, Secretary General of the Association of Pesantren-Based Ulama in Madura (Bassra) Nurudin A. Rachman, as well as Chairman of the Madura Province Establishment Preparatory Committee Achmad Zaini.
The Petitioners considered Madura to be eligible to become a separate unit of government. It refers to the aspect of basic requirements/regional capacities as well as administrative requirements as stipulated in the Regional Government Law. However, the provisions of the article being reviewed became an obstacle to Madura becoming a province because the article requires that a newly established province should consist of at least five districts/cities.
(ARS/lul/Yuniar Widiastuti)
Monday, July 31, 2017 | 19:01 WIB 67