Constitutional Court Holds Coordination Meeting with Video Conference Management

The Constitutional Court held coordination meeting with 42 law faculties as video conference management. “Cooperation between the Constitutional Court and universities as video conference management is a mutual cooperation,” said Chief Justice Arief Hidayat in opening event entitled “Coordination Meeting of the Constitutional Court and Law Faculties as Vicon Management” on Monday (23/5) in Jakarta.

Arief said that video conference facility in several law faculties is monitored by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) because of its status as State’s asset. “Whenever the House conducts meeting with the Constitutional Court, we (the Constitutional Court, ed.) always being asked about video conference optimization, because it can be used by the Court to conduct feasible, quick, and simple court proceedings,” Arief added.

Moreover, Arief delivered that the Constitutional Court as judicial institution also has role to conduct nationhood socialization and to realize law culture in Indonesia. He exemplified positive aspect of video conference, such as when the Court received a visit from Austrian Constitutional Court President Gerhart Holzinger some time ago. As known, Holzinger delivered general lecture to 150 university students of various university via video conference. Holzinger appreciated the use of video conference after the lecture.

 “We hope that we could held similar activity (general lecture, ed) in the future. When constitutional court from other country visits us, we could hold general lecture to law students in order to widen knowledge,” said Arief.

Moreover, Constitutional Court’s Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah delivered that the coordination meeting is a form of Constitutional Court’s commitment to actively involved in improving cooperation, particularly cooperation on remote court session.

“Cooperation that has lasted quite long between the Constitutional Court and universities in managing video conference aims to perform Court’s constitutional duty,” said Guntur.

Guntur explained that video conference is a means to ease public access to justice, such as to conduct remote session, or to prepare witness, expert and or other parties who summoned for testimony.

In the occasion, the Court gave award to law faculties of Universitas Tadulako, Universitas Mataram, and Universitas Malikussaleh as “2016 Best Vicon Management”. The Court also gave award to law faculties of UII Yogyakarta, Universitas Diponegoro, and Universitas Indonesia as “2016 Best Accreditation Journal”.

Constitutional Court’s Registrar Kasianur Sidauruk also delivered lecture as keynote speaker. He explained that the Court responsible to provide video conference facility and install it in several law faculties.


The Court also discussed cooperation improvement between the Court and law faculties in implementing online consultation, remote session, focus group discussion, general lecture, and others. (Nano Tresna Arfana/lul/Prasetyo Adi N) 

Constitutional Court Holds Coordination Meeting with Video Conference Management

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 | 10:00 WIB 104