Constitutional Justices Patrialis Akbar and Suhartoyo read Court’s authority in verdict announcement session of 2015 election dispute, on Thursday (21/1) in Plenary Room, the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ganie
The Court declared 10 dispute lawsuits inadmissible due to exceeding vote margin as regulated by Act Number 8 Year 2015 and Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1-5. The lawsuits were Bengkulu (Case No. 10/PHP.GUB-XIV/2016), Cianjur (Case No. 66/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016), Bandar Lampung (Case No. 69/PHP.KOT-XIV/2016), Lebong (Case No. 82/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016), Bungo (Case No. 90/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016), South Tangerang (Case No. 98/PHP.KOT-XIV/2016 and 107/PHP.KOT-XIV/2016), Rejang Lebong (Case No. 116/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016), Pandeglang (Case No. 121/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016), and Batanghari (Case No. 124/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016) lawsuits.
“Judicial verdict declares grant Respondent’s and Related Party’s exceptions regarding Applicant’s legal standing; Applicant’s lawsuit inadmissible,” said Chief Justice Arief Hidayat in verdict announcement session on Thursday (21/1).
The Court assessed the lawsuits didn’t fulfill vote margin which determined based on population number respectively. One of the lawsuits was Bengkulu dispute lawsuit which filed by candidate pair Najamudin-Mujiono. The Court declared in Court’s legal consideration that the Applicant didn’t fulfill the requirements as regulated in Article 158 Act No. 8 Year 2015 and Article 6 Constitutional Court Regulation No. 1-5 Year 2015.
The winning pair (Related Party) in Bengkulu election gained 517.190, while the Applicant only gathered 384.339 votes. Vote margin for Bengkulu election whose population number estimated at 1,926,076 was 2% margin. Based on the data, the maximum vote margin was 2% of the winning pair’s votes or 10,334 votes. Therefore, the vote margin between the Applicant with the Related Party exceeded the determined margin.
The Court also delivered similar consideration towards nine dispute lawsuits. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/lul/Prasetyo Adi N)
Friday, January 22, 2016 | 13:58 WIB 58