Applicant Assesses Taliabu Island Election Commission Allowed Tourists to Vote

Applicant’s Attorney Dhifla Wiyani delivered testimony in election dispute preliminary session, on Friday (8/1), in Panel Session Room 1, the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ifa




Taliabu Island Election Commission was considered committed fraud by allowing China tourists to vote in 2015 Taliabu Island regent-deputy regent election, candidate pair Zainal Mus-Arifin H.A. Majid revealed in election dispute preliminary session of Case Number 16/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016, on Friday (8/1), in Panel Session Room 1, the Constitutional Court Building.

Representing by their attorney Dhifla Wiyani, the Applicant argued the election commission committed fraud in 24 polling stations, resulting vote lost amounted to 1864 votes. The Applicant accused the election commission had abused domicile letter which owned by foreigners. “A lot of domicile letter which abused by unauthorized parties, such as minors, people who live outside the area. It was also found that foreigners abused domicile letter, such as China tourists,” explained Wiyani in front of Justice Panel 1 led by Arief Hidayat.

Responding Applicant’s argument, Hidayat then questioned whether the Applicant had reported such violation to election monitoring committee (panwas). Applicant’s Attorney answered, saying the Applicant had reported the violation and the local police had issued recommendation letter. “The local police had issued recommendation letter which already forwarded to local prosecutor’s office,” said her.

Money Politics

Meanwhile, Tidore Islands regent-deputy regent candidate pair M. Hasan Bay-Mochtar Sangadji claimed candidate pair number 3 Ali Ibrahim-Muhammad Sinen had committed massive money politics. Representing by their attorney Eddie Moeras, the Applicant argued money politics were done by gathering village heads and bribing them. “The money politics were done at the time before the voting day,” Moeras explained.

The Applicant had reported such violation to election monitoring committee, but the report wasn’t responded.

Constitutional Justice I Dewa Ged Palguna asserted the Applicant to include vote result in the petition demands (petitum). “As the provisions required by law and by Constitutional Court Regulation Number 5, Applicant should note vote result, which considered correct by the Applicant, in the petitum. You didn’t note the vote result in your petitum,” said Palguna.

The further session of both lawsuits will be held on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 with agenda hearing Respondent’s and Related Party’s answers. (Lulu Anjarsari/Prasetyo Adi N)

Friday, January 08, 2016 | 17:35 WIB 85