Justices Concern on Filing Period, Dompu Election Dispute Session

Constitutional Justice I Dewa Gede Palguna questioned one of the Applicants in regional elections dispute session, on Thursday (7/1), in Panel Session Room, the Constitutional Court Building.




Several lawsuits have been filed beyond the determined time limit, as stipulated in Article 157 paragraph 5 Act Number 8 Year 2015 of Regional Elections (UU Pilkada). In the panel 1 session led by Arief Hidayat, it was revealed that Dompu regent candidate pair Abubakar Ahmad-Kisman filed lawsuit beyond 3x24 time limit.

Applicant\\'s Attorney Kasman Sangaji said his side filed lawsuit in December 24, 2015, while Dompu election commission announced official result in December 16.

Constitutional Justice Palguna then asked about the reason of late filing. "How did you calculate 3 x 24 hour time limit that applied since the election commission declared official result?" said Palguna.

Responding the question, Kasman explained that his side just received official result in December 22, 2015. Due to it, the Applicant then filed lawsuit to the Court in December 24. "We filed (the lawsuit, ed.) three days after receiving recapitulation," explained him.

Massive and Systemic Fraud in Pasaman

Meanwhile, Pasaman regent and deputy regent candidate pair Benny Utama-Daniel argued candidate pair number 2 Yusuf Lubis-Atos Pratama was unqualified by law.

Representing by Applicant\\'s Attorney Virza Benzani, the Applicant claimed Atos Pratama was still actively served as military officer. Moreover, the Applicant alleged the Related Party committed money politics, as well as massive and systemic fraud.

He further assessed Pasaman election commission allegedly committed fraud, among others by counting invalid vote as Related Party vote that resulted in Applicant\\'s vote loss

Moreover, the Applicant suspicious on their zero vote result in several polling stations. "Such violation resulted in Related Party increasing vote amounted to 1304 votes, which supposed belong to the Applicant," explained Virza.

Responding Attorney\\'s testimony, Palguna questioned on whether or not the violation had been reported. The attorney answered the violation had been reported to the election commission.

Justice Panel also examined East Java regent candidate pairs\\' lawsuits; Gresik regent candidate pair Husnul Khuluq-Ach Rubaie (No. 60/PHP.BUP-XIV/2016) and Ponorogo candidate pair Sugiri Sancoko-Sukirno (No. 12/PHP.BUP-XIV/2015). (Lulu Anjarsari/lul/Prasetyo Adi N)

Thursday, January 07, 2016 | 21:07 WIB 98