Cianjur candidate Aldwin Rahadian is interviewed by media on Sunday (20/12), in the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Dedy
On the fifth day of regional election dispute lawsuit registration, the Constitutional Court had received dozen lawsuits.
Cianjur candidate pair number 3 Suranto-Aldwin Rahadian filed lawsuit directly to the Constitutional Court on Sunday (20/12), concerning frauds committed by candidate pair number 2 Irvan Rivano Muchtar-Herman Suherman. As known, Irvan Rivano Muchtar is the incumbent regent son. Moreover, Rahadian claimed there were 40 frauds occurred in Cianjur regional election; all of those weren’t followed up.
“We had reported several frauds committed by monitoring committees to the Election Monitoring Body Bawaslu and the Election Organizers Honorary Council DKPP. National media already covered on the frauds, such as the caught of district head camat and election district committee (PPK) members who brought bribe money amounted to 300 million rupiahs,” claimed Rahadian when interviewed after filing lawsuit.
Gorontalo regent candidate number 1 Rustam Akili delivered similar concern. He who directly filed lawsuit to the Court said massive and systemic fraud occurred in Gorontalo regional election. He also said that certain government officials committed money politics in order to persuade voters. “There were strong evidences on money politics. Several money politics cases had been processed by the police and Gorontalo regency election committee,” said him.
The Court provided time for filing lawsuit within 3x24 days after regional election results declared officially by each respective Regency/City Election Commission and Provincial Election Commission, as stipulated in Article 157 (5) Act Number 8 Year 2015 of Regional Elections (UU Pilkada) and Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1 Year 2015 of Procedural Law on Regional Election Dispute Settlement (Pedoman Beracara dalam Perkara Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota).
Although Act of Regional Elections regulated vote margin in lawsuit filing requirement, several candidate pairs insisted to file election dispute without considering vote margin. They argued massive and systemic frauds occurred in regional election which they participated. (Lulu Anjarsari/Lulu Hanifah)
Monday, December 21, 2015 | 09:06 WIB 169