Candidate Pairs Concern on Inaccurate Voter Lists

The atmosphere of 2015 regional election lawsuit registration on Sunday (20/12) in the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ganie




West Manggarai Regency candidate pair Mateus Hamsi-Paul Serak Baut pointed on inaccurate voter list (DPT) in their dispute lawsuit. Their attorney Makarius Paskalis said there were approximately 40.000 vote lost or unlisted in West Manggarai voter list. He argued recent regional election voter list was decreased significantly compared to previous year legislative election.

“Previous year legislative election was held in near time with recent regional election. We assessed regional election organizer didn’t update voter list data,” said Paskalis when interviewed in Main Lobby, the Constitutional Court Building.

Indramayu regent candidate pair Toto Sucartono, representing by his attorney Sayuti, also concerned on similar issue. Sucartono said the amount of voters in voter list wasn’t same with voter amount in recapitulation. He claimed that he had reported such issue, but his report wasn’t followed up.

Moreover, he accused Indramayu candidate number 3 committed money politics, by giving one million rupiahs to each Indramayu districts.

Meanwhile, Bilhaki as attorney of Berau Regency candidate pair Ahmad Rifai-Fahmi Rizani also concerned on voter list chaos. He claimed there were double voters in East Kalimantan Province voter list. Although the issue had been reported, he added, the double voters still remained in the list.

“We found double voters issue since the beginning of election. However, such issue was ignored and resulted on voting rights loss of 23 thousand East Kalimantan residents,” said Bilhaki.

The Constitutional Court (MK) had received 89 regional election dispute lawsuits up to this news reported on Sunday evening (20/12). The Court opened lawsuit registration on regulated time; within 3x24 days after regional election results declared officially by each respective Regency/City Election Commission and Provincial Election Commission, as stipulated in Article 157 (5) Act Number 8 Year 2015 of Regional Elections (UU Pilkada) and Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1 Year 2015 of Procedural Law on Regional Election Dispute Settlement. (Panji Erawan/Nano Tresna/Yusti Nurul/Prasetyo Adi)

Sunday, December 20, 2015 | 22:52 WIB 170